Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Shakespeare said, "The evil men do, lives after them." The Blackfeet Indians have parasites called border-whites who have robbed Blackfeet land, water, oil, gold, cattle industry, and our special treaty rights to own all of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. There is an ocean of clean water aquifers underlying the reservation and clean mountain streams flowing from the east slopes of the Rocky Mountains. The Montana Legislature enacted legal anomaly "reservation/counties" under state laws within reservation boundaries to cover-up their massive land frauds and called it Glacier County. That is how the border-white man got on the reservation, an " illegal emigrant from the states" as Agent Wright reported in 1867 on confederate gold miners in Blackfoot Treaty Lands. Today it is the "blue-gold" of clean water supplies that attracts the parasites on the Indians. The Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewel, is a billionaire, so I assume as trustee of Blackfeet water supplies that she would know the market value of the drinking quality water supplies, and she also has the authority to hold bids on the lease of Blackfeet water supplies for corporations to pay market value in the billions of dollars to an impoverished Indian people, as is her sworn duty in the federal-Indian trusteeship. The issue is breaking economic apartheid of border-whites over the Blackfeet Indians on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The reservation/county is simply a system of economic apartheid of border-whites sucking the economic lifeblood of the Indians operating under state law that is itself outlawed under the 1896 Agreement between the Blackfeet Indians and the United States Congress. The state-tribal water compact forced on the Indians by western states Congressmen is designed to subject treaty Indians to the jurisdiction of state courts-the Indians are prohibited from marketing their water supplies off-reservation, a violation of Constitutional Rights to participate in the Free-Market Economy of the world nations. Please help the Blackfeet Indians-protest to the Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewel, who would never allow such market restrictions on her businesses, but then she is white and a market free business-person in the freest country in the world, and we, the Blackfeet Indians, are the 100 year Indian landowners victims of border-whites, and a merciless bureaucracy; the bureaucracy that she controls and administers. The Blackfeet people need cash and the world needs clean water, lets make a deal!  Bob Juneau Sr. a Blackfeet landowner with reserved water rights on the Blackfeet Reservation. Call me-406-493-0894, or E-Mail at blkftpatriot@yahoo.com

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.24

"The U.S. Government and Christian Churches plan for "civilizing by Christianizing" the Indians depended upon isolation from immoral white influences, but the priests found the Indian territory was entirely swept away; "The truth is the Indian was gone, swallowed up in the flood of settlement and no longer a factor in the life of the country." There was no further hope of isolating the Indians from degrading white influences, so the Jesuits focused their special ministry on the small Indian children whose religious conversion they felt required isolation from their savage/pagan parents. The era of Christian church-contract schools began on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, but the Jesuit priest's constant ridicule of the Blackfeet Sun religion undermined their religious conversion program. The Indian mission school children on the return home, in attempting to be re-accepted into the tribe and family were determined to be "Indian" like their relatives."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.24

"Little Plume was elected Head Chief and Generous Woman and White Calf were elected Subordinate Chiefs. There was little left with which to rebuild their tribal organization, and the government and church were determined to extinguish traditional tribal governance, culture, language, customs, religion, polygamy and paganism among the Indians as the goals of the civilizing process of the Indian Assimilation Policy. 
Christian churches assault the Sun Religion 
The Jesuit priests wrote "In the passage of time, the white man daily approached and pushed the Piegan Tribe, even up to the mountains." The next assault upon the Piegan Indians was the Sun religion, which the Jesuits labeled "a mixture of pantheism and animism" in which religion the Indians believed evil spirits were the source of illness and misfortune, and a belief in a "Great Spirit" that was present in all things. The Piegan religious beliefs were scorned by Jesuits and labeled as "a superstition." The Jesuits religious conversion program had in mind the general principle of "civilizing by Christianizing" the Indians, which Indian religious-conversion, vocational-education program curriculum became President Grant's Peace Policy, by which means the President "hoped to advance the metamorphosis of the savages."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.24

The U.S. Government and Christian Churches plan for "civilizing by Christianizing" the Indians depended upon isolation from immoral white influences, but the priests found the Indian territory was entirely swept away; "The truth is the Indian was gone, swallowed up in the flood of settlement and no longer a factor in the life of the country." There was no further hope of isolating the Indians from degrading white influences, so the Jesuits focused their special ministry on the small Indian children whose religious conversion they felt required isolation from their savage/pagan parents. The era of Christian church-contract schools began on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, but the Jesuit priest's constant ridicule of the Blackfeet Sun religion undermined their religious conversion program. The Indian mission school children on the return home, in attempting to be re-accepted into the tribe and family were determined to be "Indian" like their relatives."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.23

The tribal council opened with prayers and songs to the Divine Father, the Indians all kneeling. The meeting was called to order by Agent John S. Wood, who began by saying,"That before commencing on any great and good work, we have been taught by the word of the Great Spirit to invoke his blessings, and all we said and done would be heard and remembered by him, and we would be held accountable. If we did not intend living up to our pledges, we had better not make them. For many years you have been without unity, without a Head Chief, and without laws, roaming over the prairies in small, unfriendly, if not hostile bands, killing each other under the influence of whiskey. During the last year, you have killed one hundred and thirty one of your own people through whiskey. I want you to elect a Head Chief who does not drink whiskey and who will care for and control his people."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.23

"When Father Constantine Scollen first met the Blackfeet Indians in 1861 he saw them as a proud, haughty, numerous people, having a regular politico-religious organization [Blackfoot Confederacy-Sun Religion]. After 1870 however, the Blackfeet-Piegans had lost more than half their population and their social organization was in deep decay. Father Scollen observed, "They have been utterly demoralized as a people; the surviving relatives of the small pox epidemic of 1870 and the survivors of the massacred went more and more for the use of alcohol. They endeavored to drown their grief in the poisonous beverage, sold their robes and horses by the hundreds for it, and now had begun killing one another, so that in a short time they were divided into small parties, afraid to meet on the prairie. Formerly, they had been the most opulent Indians in the country, and now they walked without horses, clothed in rags." At a Council of the Blackfeet, Blood and Piegan Tribes of Indians, held at the Blackfeet Agency, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, on the 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, days of April, A.D., 1875, an election was had and a code of laws adopted outlawing whiskey in Blackfoot Confederacy lands, and the killing of persons while under the influence of whiskey."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.22-23

Small-pox horrors" 
"The early part of the 1860's saw a devastating small pox outbreak among the various camps of the Blackfeet Tribe. By 1869 Chief Heavy Runner's band was suffering from a small pox outbreak at the time of Colonel Baker's massacre, and many of the Indians were dying from the disease when the soldiers fired into them, and burned them alive in their beds. Small Pox epidemics had resulted in destruction and demoralization of entire Indian tribes since the English colonists arrived in the Indian Country. William Bradford of Plymouth Colony conveyed some of the horrors of small pox in his description of the disease and its effects on the native populations: "A sorer disease cannot befall [the Indians] they fear it more than the plague. For usually they that have this disease have them in abundance, and for want of bedding and linen and other helps they fall into a lamentable condition as they lie on their hard mats, the pox breaking and mattering and running one into another, their skin cleaving by reason thereof to the mats they lie on. When they turn them, a whole side will flay off at once as it were, and they will be all of a gore blood, most fearful to behold. And then being very sore, what with cold and other distempers, they die like rotten sheep."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The United Nations Genocide Convention defined "Slow Death Measures" genocide as "Subjecting a people to conditions of life which, owing to lack of proper housing, clothing, food, hygiene, and medical care, are likely to result in the debilitation and death of individuals; deprivation of the means livelihood by looting and denial of supplies otherwise available to other inhabitants of the territory concerned." My great-grandmothers were successful ranchers and operated self-reliant cattle and sheep operations on their land allotments on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation by 1890, just a few years after the Blackfeet famine of 1881-1886, when the Blackfeet were forced to "sell land for a living" to keep from starving to death. Envious border-whites are parasites on the Indian people and rob economic success of the Indians for their own possession enabled by a corrupt Congress and corporate interests such as oil companies, railroad barons, meat trusts, agri-business, and now it is the clean waters of the reservation they covet. In 2013 Conservative Republicans in the state legislature voted down $164 million in free federal poverty funds meant for the "reservation/counties" which are the white apartheid settlements on stolen Indian lands within the borders of Indian reservations. The Indian land claims would spring the Indians all over the United States out of a tribal poverty that began in 1890 when envious border-whites set out to rob prosperous Blackfeet cattle and sheep operators. Looting of Blackfeet land and resources has brought the Blackfeet 100 years of suffering which can only be ended with the restoration of stolen Blackfeet land and personal property by Congress. The remaining Blackfeet landowners are the poorest people on the reservation, but still, by some  miracle own 900,000 acres of land and water rights adjacent to Glacier National Park, and need some help in marketing their remaining water resources into bottled water plants for sale to a thirsty world. The Montana border-whites are in the process of robbing these remaining Blackfeet waters in the state-tribal water compact forced on the Indians by an act of Congress subjecting Indian land and water rights to state courts. We need an offer on the table now for the opportunity to turn the compact into a billion dollar win for the Indians. Surely there is some interest in helping out an economically oppressed people and making a profit too! Isn't that just a perfect solution to the problem of greed? Everybody gets something and nobody is robbed! Bob Juneau Sr. Blackfeet patriot

Thursday, September 25, 2014


The "distinct economic territories"of void Patent-in-Fee lands of border-whites created on Indian reservations by state legislatures labeled "reservation/counties" are in fact examples of white apartheid in America. The Indians were not allowed to vote in state elections and did not give their consent for accepting state jurisdiction on their property or person. On the Blackfeet Reservation there are numerous hearings of Congress that proved the mass robbery of Indian landowners in state courts, and documented illegal encroachment of state jurisdiction on the sovereign Blackfeet Reservation. The majority of whites live off the reservation aand the Glacier county seat is off the reservation, but a tiny group of white ranchers and farmers managed to rob 325,250 acres of the most productive grazing and irrigated lands including the successful, self-reliant Blackfeet cattle industry. The border-whites have established a parasitic system that sucks the economy of the Blackfeet Indians and Blackfeet Reservation to their profits, including an estimated $850,000,000 gross reservation product. The usurpation of the Blackfeet cattle industry is a treaty violation because the Blackfeet cattle ranchers were guaranteed protection for their cattle ranch operations now taken by white ranchers, which generates an estimated $75 million annually in sales of cattle, crops and small livestock on the former Blackfeet allotted lands. Today, it is the underground aquifer and water rights the border-whites and State of Montana are usurping in the state-tribal water compact which was forced on the Indians by an act of Congress pushed by western Congressmen to extinguish Indian reserved water rights, and force the Indians into state courts if the compact fails to produce a settlement. President Reagan in 1982 refused to comply with Public Law 96-217, Section 2 passed by Congress to resolve 17,000 Individual Indian land claims to approximately one hundred million acres of former private-property of Indians robbed by white men on Indian reservations nationwide. Even the Soviet Union and South Africa criticized Reagan for operating gulags on Indian reservations and practicing apartheid on the "reservation/county" white territories encroaching on sovereign Indian nations. President Reagan punished the Indians by cutting Indian treaty funds for medical care, nutrition, education, and welfare services causing many deaths on the Indian reservations. Congress has failed to act on the forced patents conspiracies uncovered by investigator Walter W. Liggett. In 1917 the Blackfeet Chiefs traveled to Washington to protest border-whites robbery of Blackfeet grazing lands, and running their cattle herds on treaty lands where Indian ranchers had developed a successful cattle industry. The Montana rivers are polluted and topsoil is less than one inch after 100 years of the plow and after it is gone there will be dust bowls and mass migrations to Indian territory for the rest of our land and water. I was in Washington D.C. in 1979 when the Interior Dept. admitted complicity in the Indian land frauds, but still nothing has been done to restore stolen Indian lands. The Interior Dept. official said litigation was thought to be inappropriate because it would present the public spectacle of the United States Government suing itself on behalf of its Indian wards. Is that an excuse? Public outcry is needed to expose this latest Indian atrocity concerning Indian treaty land and reserved water rights. I would like the opportunity to testify before the United Nations Genocide Convention on the "Slow Death Measures" genocides of Montana. Bob Juneau Sr. Blackfeet patriot

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Montana border-whites are former slave owners who were captured confederate soldiers sent up the Missouri River in 1863, Texas Cattle Kings, and robber-barons James J. Hill and his son Louis Hill, politicians, army officers, government officials, and members of Congress. Today the border-whites are still "bleeding" the Indians economy on the reservations. These are "complex" psychopaths who are able to plan methods of getting what they want without legal respectability or social morality such as bank robbers, unscrupulous politicians, and crooked businessmen. They lack shame or guilt in their parasitic behaviors, and in fact are proud of beating someone out of their property or cash. The border-whites on the Blackfeet Reservation are proud of robbing illiterate Blackfeet Indians like my grandmothers, and wrap themselves in the American flag loudly proclaiming their loyalty and braying like donkeys about "liberty." My dad was a rifleman with General Patton's Tank Corp and has eight service medals and a purple heart for wounds he suffered, and was considered a 100 point veteran meaning he had so much combat time he was among the first to be discharged from the army. In 1944 Louis Hill, son of James J. Hill, who was given 450,000,000 acres of public land for his railroad company, was still poking around the reservation and found an oil structure which he was able to get "patented" by his lobbyists in Washington D.C. This oil field has produced hundreds of millions of dollars for the Hill's who get oil profits to this day. These psychopaths are cunning and deceitful in bribing public officials with political cash contributions to members of Congress for their own benefit. The border-whites are stock men and farmers living on the stolen Blackfeet land allotments that produce revenues upwards of $75 million with Agriculture Department subsidies of million of dollars for not planting crops, price supports, insurance, and a myriad of 50 farmers welfare programs funded by taxpayers. The success of the Blackfeet cattle ranchers by 1890, just a few years after the Blackfeet famine of 1881-1887, ended when the Blackfeet sold 17,000,000 acres for $1.5 million to be paid in cattle, and equipment to develop a cattle economy on the reservation. Chief White Calf went to Washington to request Congress to "keep the envious whites away" who were trespassing on the reservation, and white ranchers building ranches along the reservation border with the intent of grazing their cattle on the reservation. Today, Montana border-whites and the Interior Department officials have the Blackfeet Indians cornered in a state-tribal water compact which will reduce our water rights and restrict the Indian property owners from marketing their bottled water resources off-reservation to global and domestic markets. Al Capone took us for a ride in the 1920's that is little different from this water compact forced upon us by the U.S. Government. The Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewel, is a billionaire, so I assume she would know a bad business deal, but it seems there is no help for Indians inside or outside of government. I was thrown out of the state-tribal-federal water compact meeting in the tribal conference room when I brought up the land frauds and the ill-advised water compact that gives our water to the border-whites. All I have left is to appeal to the public opinion to raise awareness of this latest atrocity on the Indians. Bob Juneau Sr.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau Captain Cooke, reservation prospector pg.64-68

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau
Captain Cooke, reservation prospector    pg.64-68
Characters, terms, and events  
Blackfeet Indian Agent Captain Cooke  
T.C. Power  
Alex Johnson
George Bird Grinnell
J.W. Schultz
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith  
Henry Kennerly
Joe Kipp
E.C. Garrett, Chief Clerk
James J. Hill
1896 Blackfeet land cession of the Mineral Belt
Horace Clark
Malcolm Clark
Little Bear Chief  
1887 Agreement  
1896 Agreement/Article Five
Treaty Commissioner Pollock
Four Horns  
Government Inspector Thomas Smith  
Indian Agent George Steell
Irvin Cooke  
Charles Conrad
Conrad-Valier Investment Company

Contents of The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Contents of The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau
The Indians tell the story
roots of economic apartheid on the reservation
President Grant's Message to Congress 1870  
Board of Indian Commissioners Report, 1869
Fort Benton, Montana Territory-Killing & Scalping Indians
Governor Meagher's Black-Feet Extermination Campaign
Montana Confederates Massacre the Piegans
Massacre of Chief Heavy Runner's band
The Whiskey trade
Small-pox horrors
Christian churches assault the Sun religion
Monthly Agency Reports of Agent Young
Blackfeet famine 1881-1885
Starving Indians fed maggot infested bacon
Selling land for a living
Martin Magginnis requests Blackfeet deported to Canada
agency pimps, drunken doctors, and crooked agents
The reign of the "morphine eater"
Great Northern Railroad "threatened incursion"
railroad baron, Jim Hill, conspires with the agency ring  
Captain Cooke, leader of the "agency ring"
"Jobbery" by Frontier Montana Society
Captain Cooke, reservation prospector  
Political resurrection of the "morphine eater"
The Blackfeet Indians "sell the rocks"
Agent James Monteath, this "utopian colony"  of mine
Texas cattle kings usurp the Blackfeet cattle economy
father & son robber barons
Jim Hill writes the Secretary of the Interior,
The reign of the father, son and "holy terror"
Robert Hamilton whips McFatridge's delegation
Senator Lane Investigates the Blackfeet Agency
Joe Sherburne didn't bother to wear a mask.
Blackfeet soldiers "doughboys" starved
plantation morphology on the reservation
The Bureau of Indian Affairs manages "air"
Glacier County-white apartheid territory
Blackfeet Patriot testifies
Louis Hill "bedevils" the Blackfeet Indians
Chief Medicine Talk
Give their land back
President Reagan "trickles down" Indian water rights
White treaty Indians?
"Slow Death Measures" genocide on the reservation

Sunday, September 21, 2014


CHICAGO CRIME BOSS KILLED SENATE INVESTIGATOR: The bizarre conspiracy included the High Society of America including Congress, the President, senators, governors, robber barons, army officers, oil companies, and businessmen in and out of government. The reservation gulag run by the Indian agent included the most brutal convict in the Montana Penitentiary brought to the reservation by the agent to run the agency jail where many Indians died in the unheated agency jail in 40 degree below zero weather, or were beaten to force the Indians to consent to the applications for fee patents on their lands, exposing them to cattlemen judges and juries where they swiftly lost their lands. From 1917 to 1922 hundreds of Blackfeet land allotments of 400 acres each were stolen in county courts including oil fields and irrigated farm lands and the "big grass country" that grazed millions of buffalo before the white man came to Blackfoot Confederacy lands in 1863. It took one honest man to expose the conspiracy, Senate Indian Committee Investigator Walter W. Liggett, who was killed by Chicago crime boss Al Capone when he followed the trail of stolen Blackfeet cattle to Chicago. There are Interior Department officials who point to this murder as an excuse for dropping the Blackfeet land fraud investigations. It is bizarre to say the least, but like all conspiracies, the real crooks reside in the Government, whose officials at the top find excuse after excuse to stonewall the resolution of the massive Indian land frauds. They are not protecting the likes of Al Capone, but the real criminals in American society, the corporations who corrupt the Congress, which purports to protect the American citizens. We followed the trail of the criminals to the Secretary of the Interior and the Attorney General, and Congress who have many times refused to prosecute the Indian land fraud perpetrators. President Reagan refused to prosecute the land frauds and defied Congress in refusing to send the Indian claims to Congress for legislative resolutions which would restore Indian property to the Indian owners with billions of dollars in just compensation. I talked with an Assistant United States Attorney of Montana, who told me they were aware of the land frauds but had not decided whether to be defendants or plaintiffs in the cases of Indian land frauds. The U.S. Attorney in Montana has a "Guardians" crime initiative to prosecute tribal officials for robbing tribal programs, but overlooks border-whites who reside on Blackfeet land and oil companies who own oil fields on the reservation. I don't believe for a minute that it was Al Capone who stopped the investigations but that it was and is "big business" who are the real mafia. They got the Indians property yesterday, but when will it be your turn to be victims of government corruption and corporate rule? I have spent my entire adult life chasing justice in The United States Government, and I am no closer to justice for the Indians than when I started in 1980, but I will never quit. Bob Juneau Sr.a Blackfeet patriot

Blackfeet Opportunity!

Blackfeet people this is our opportunity to do a good turn for ourselves and re-start our Blackfeet cattle industry, which is a treaty-goal of the United States in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. The white stockmen in Glacier County living on the stolen Blackfeet allotments produce upwards of $75 million per year in sales of cattle and small livestock and farm operations. The sales of Blackfeet bottled water are estimated to be billions of dollars in domestic and global markets including China and Las Vegas casinos, who were in the tribal office a few years ago offering to purchase Blackfeet beef and bottled water. First we need the services of a natural resources economist to inventory allotted water resources and to find markets for the bottled water and to find domestic food and beverage corporations to relocate to the reservation and establish a bottling plant or food processing operation. Coca Cola, Hunts Food, Del Monte, Budweiser, or Pepsi have a need to expand their operations and need a dependable source of water for their products. The trouble is nobody knows about us and our quality water sources. There would be profits and jobs for people to end the 80% unemployment rate. The state-tribal water compact signed by Earl Old Person and Sassy Running Crane simply gives the tribal council a cash payment from the state, which I saw on State.T.V. that the legislature set aside $150 million which will pay off the Blackfeet $15 million per year with the interest on the principal and cost the state nothing in the end. The tribal council is deep in debt and the money will go to pay off their debts and leave us with no cash and no water. I hate to be critical but that is a stupid deal. The Blackfeet landowners and allottees are roped into this deal and we get nothing. In addition the border-whites will have a first right of refusal to take over any business deal the Blackfeet develop, that is the white people on the reservation and Cut Bank, Conrad, and Valier, the very people who robbed us for 100 years. The Blackfeet Constitution and Charter give us the right to form tribal cooperatives, and tribal corporations made of Blackfeet landowners "to cut out the middleman" and market our own products. The water compact will be voted on by the Montana Legislature in 2015 and I am sure it will pass since it gives the white man our water for pennies, so time is short to organize ourselves. As I understand it the final say in approval or disapproval will be a tribal referendum conducted by the BIA. Compacts are forever, so we must do for ourselves what the BTBC and BIA have failed to do since 1935. I wonder if Lita Pepion will research planning grants in the Billings Area Office, and others will approach the tribal council for a planning grant to hire the experts we need to inventory our water resources prior to signing any compact. Once we know our facts then we can approach corporations to joint-venture with us and to re-start the cattle industry. We can do all of this without winning our land claims as we have 900,000 acres left, and as we organize we can work on our land claims with strength and wisdom. We need all of the people to pull together to get this done, I know there are lawyers and experts out there, please join us. I live in Missoula so I can go to the University Forestry Dept. for information on water marketing and the Indian Law Center for legal help. Everyone is welcome. Bob Juneau Sr.

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.22

"The Blackfoot Indians discovered their reservation had become occupied by Confederate gold miners, Texas cattlemen, Montana settlers, and Fort Benton merchants, who had established a major trade route straight through the Blackfeet reservation. Whiskey traders exploited the Indians by trading whiskey for Indian concubines, buffalo robes, pelts, horses, weapons, and even their lodges, leaving the Indians in rags and barefoot on the prairie. Behind the whiskey traders were the Fort Benton merchants, like I.G. Baker, Charles Conrad, A.B. Hamilton and T.C. Power who were their financial backers. The Bentonites carved a major transportation route straight through the heart of the Blackfeet reservation running northwest to Fort McCleod to carry freight to Canada, and haul coal mined from the Blackfeet reservation to sell in Fort Benton on the return trip, creating a commercial shipping enterprise between Fort Benton, Montana Territory and Canada's Northwest Territory. By 1873 the Blackfeet Agent reported that 25% of the Blackfeet Indians under his jurisdiction had died as a result of the liquor traffic."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.21-22

"By 1870 an estimated 30,000 Montana Territory confederates, Texas cattlemen, gold miners, settlers, ranchers, farmers and businessmen had illegally emigrated to Blackfoot Confederacy lands reserved by the 1855 Treaty, violating that provision in the 1855 Treaty for the United States to protect Indians "from the depredations of white men passing through or living in their country may commit." Fort Benton whiskey traders had established illegal whiskey trading posts in Blackfoot Country that addicted the desperate Indians and broke the power of the chiefs to outlaw whiskey in the Indian camps. The chiefs strongly opposed the whiskey trade which had accelerated the extermination of the tribal buffalo herds for their hides to ship to eastern markets. The Blackfeet Indians could not escape the whiskey traders, who followed the Indians onto the reservations."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.21

"The consequence is these merchants are now completely out of liquor and the Indian is for the first time this winter perfectly sober. I have tried to prevent this whiskey trading to the Indians, but was powerless. The United States Deputy Marshall has been and now is a resident here and he has done nothing for me-as he was afraid if he made any arrests his customers would snub him in the spring when he opened his own whiskey saloon. The Sheriff and their officers have acted badly in not assisting me-and whether they did or did not trade any liquor to the Indians I am positive they sold whiskey during the winter in five and ten gallon kegs and half Bbls. by Wells Fargo and Col. Express. I could not fit a permanent Military Squad at this place as Col. Reeve said it would be establishing a Military Post and he had no authority to do so. Thus the position of the military in the absence of civil power to assist me is a perfect nuisance. They are only fit to eat government rations and lay around in Camp at government expenses and I say fairly and freely and candidly that under the circumstances it is providential there has been no massacres at this place from drunken Indians. I again call your Hon. Attention to the removal of this Agency from this place. It is too large to enforce law unless I am properly supported, and the government, I respectfully think, has no conception of the character and number of the inhabitants.
Blackfeet Agent, George B. Wright."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.20-21

"I have examined the Indians of all the parties who Mr. Baker sold goods to and I can not find in those anything sold of an illicit character-yet one of the parties whom Mr. Baker sold goods to I am reliably informed had been trading whiskey more or less to the Indians this visit. If Mr. Baker has sold his liquor to different parties, the entry on his books might mention the sale of something else which I cannot discuss. I am very well aware however that in the early part of the winter Mr. Baker and Mr. Carroll and Mr. Stull-had a large quantity of liquor in bottles and barrels and were so anxious to show their honesty in not trading any themselves to the Indians or selling any during the Indian trade to white persons that they petitioned Colonel Reeve of the 13th Infantry to take possession of it and keep it until spring. He refused on the ground that if it was controlled (being on Indian land) he should destroy it and it was questionable with him whether parties at Benton had not the right of selling liquor to white persons, they paying a United States and Territorial Tax.
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.20

"Citizens of the different States, have contrary to the law, settled upon Indian lands, formed government of their own, chosen Delegates to Represent them in Congress, and the Government enacts laws, appoints offices, and thereby organizes the government of a Territory, on lands that have not been ceded or purchased from the Indians. Would it not be thought absurd, to confiscate the gold of an honest miner, and tell him that he resides on Indian soil, contrary to the intercourse law? When I as a merchant in the town of Fort Benton pay the collector of U.S. Internal Revenue my income tax, my licenses to traffic in general merchandise, is it not, at least, a strange anomaly that another office of a different branch of the Government, deprives me of my goods? Being satisfied that the evidence I have furnished you, is convincing proof of a desire to trade in an honorable and upright manner, I hope you will not hesitate to order the liquors returned to me." Commissioner of Indian Affairs A.G. Taylor ordered Blackfeet Agency, Agent Wright to allow I.G. Baker to continue his trade with the Indians: "Your telegram notifying me to allow I.G. Baker of this place to continue trading with the Indians-also for me to examine the charge against him of not fitting parties last fall with alcohol who traded it to the Indians had been securing."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau


BLACKFEET INDEPENDENCE DAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1895: The Blackfeet Tribe of Indians and the United States agreed to terms and provisions ratified by Congress June 10, 1896, which reserved the entire reservation land base for the exclusive use and occupancy of the Blackfeet Indians, and Article Five recognized the success of the Blackfeet cattle industry, which was adopted as a treaty guarantee for the Blackfeet cattle ranchers continued success.
ISSUE # 1: As a prerequisite to any settlement of state-tribal-federal water compact provisions in 2015 is to resolve all outstanding allotted land issues relating to the 100 year old Blackfeet Allottee Forced Patents land fraud cases, and the restoration of all Blackfeet Allotted Trust land titles and just compensation to the heirs of the original Blackfeet allottees; and just compensation to the Blackfeet Tribe for loss of revenues caused by illegal trespass of the State of Montana, Glacier and Pondera Counties since 1919, and refund of all taxes collected by the state and county to the Blackfeet Tribe, per Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Resolution #224-2001.
ISSUE # 2: Inventory and Quantification of Blackfeet water resources, including but not limited to stock-raising, water marketing, bottled water business markets, domestic uses, recreational uses, industrial uses, fish & game, food and beverage processing plants, hydro-power sites, reservoirs, water wells, and global and domestic market surveys for Blackfeet water uses and production.
ISSUE #3: File water claims for 900,000 acres of allotted Blackfeet trust landowners and remove 529,000 acres of void Patent-in-Fee titles to restore titles to heirs of original Blackfeet Allottees.
ISSUE # 3: St. Mary-Milk Rivers Reclamation Project role in destruction of the Blackfeet cattle industry, and loss of all water rights to those rivers to downstream and Canadian water users, as evidenced by statement of H.N. Savage, Supervisory Engineer for Reclamation Service in Montana in 1903, "I do not see why the Blackfeet Indians might not make a claim to the waters of St. Mary-Milk Rivers with equal propriety of the Fort Belknap Tribes." The Blackfeet Indians voted against the project in 1903 which is the tribal treaty right to refuse any condemnation action by federal agencies on tribal or allotted lands. The Crow Tribe received $500 million in the Cobell Case for 5,000 acres of Crow land condemned by the Reclamation Service for the construction of Yellow Tail Dam on the Crow Reservation. The BTBC did not even file a claim for compensation for the St. Mary-Milk River Diversion on the Blackfeet Reservation, although we provided the information to Earl & Sassy.
ISSUE # 4: Settlement of all past treaty violations by state, county, federal,  and fee landowners.
ISSUE # 5: Tribal and Federal recognition of the treaty rights and land titles of all Blackfeet Indians, heirs of original allottees, and the organization of the Blackfeet Landowners and Water Rights Owners to hear the issues important to the Blackfeet Indians. What do the Blackfeet Indians want from the water compact settlement? How much is the water resources worth of the Blackfeet Water Rights in market value in domestic and global water markets? The Blackfeet Indians do not at present know the quantification and value of their water resources, but are being forced to make an uninformed decision of the greatest magnitude for all time. This is a human rights issue as much as a business issue, and it calls to justice for a people much abused by the state, county, and federal governments for 100 years. Compacts are forever, let us settle past injustices lest we create more injustice for an oppressed people whose treaty rights have been violated for 100 years.
Bob Juneau Sr.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


BILLION DOLLAR SWINDLE IN BLACKFEET WATER COMPACT: The 100 year old Blackfeet land frauds have not been settled yet, and here come the federal trustees and the State of Montana to force the Blackfeet Indians into a state-tribal water compact that favors white water users over the owners of reservation water rights. The tiny reservation town of Starr School sits atop an ocean of clean drinking quality water, which water rights are owned by the Blackfeet landowners by treaty and federal law. This water resource is worth billions of dollars in the global water markets. A Texan named T. Boone Pickens is buying up water rights to the Oglalla Aquifer stretching across the Great Plains states and is building a pipeline to Dallas, Texas to market "his" water to thirsty Texans. This water is owned by the United States citizens and sold to farmers for $50 per acre foot, but the farmers have drained the aquifer down to 3,500 feet costing more than they can afford to pump it to the surface. One acre foot contains 325,850 gallons of water, and at $1 per gallon could bring $325,850 for the landowner per acre foot. But, not the Blackfeet Indians, who are prohibited from marketing their water to downstream water users under the proposed state-tribal water compact.The Blackfeet Indians still own 900,000 acres of the 1.5 million acres of the Blackfeet Reservation, but the void Patent-in-Fee white landowners have "Checkerboarded" the reservation. There are at least two patent-in-fee landowners on every township covering the entire reservation by Glacier County jurisdiction. The border-whites can therefore drain the underground aquifer from the Blackfeet allotments while the federal trustee prohibits the Blackfeet Indians from developing their own billion dollar water resources. I was thrown out of a state-tribal-federal water compact meeting for bringing up the Blackfeet land claims and water rights to those stolen lands on the reservation. I could really use some help here to stop this latest atrocity in robbing Blackfeet water rights by the state and federal governments, and border-whites. Any bidders out there for Blackfeet water that is so pure it needs no processing except to fill a bottle of drinking water? This water drains directly from the glaciers in Glacier National Park, which glaciers will be gone in 30 years due to climate change. It will take a private sector water war to bid up the Blackfeet water and to create a reservation-based bottled water plant or food processing and beverage corporations. Chinese Government buyers were in the tribal office a few years ago offering to purchase Blackfeet products including water, beef, oil, gas or any other Blackfeet product. Consider this an opportunity to right an old wrong and make a tremendous profit in the process of saving an innocent people from government corruption. Bob Juneau Sr.

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.19-20

"The Indians of that country are desirous of being friendly and quiet, and I am certain nothing but the horrid effects of intoxication will cause them to break their treaty promises. I think that this country at this time will be a very hard one, and the duty to be performed a very unpleasant one, it is important some one should go and if ordered to do so, I will return to those Indians with all possible dispatch, and do the best I can to restore quiet among them by driving out those who are causing all the trouble." "I.G. Baker, Fort Benton merchant and whiskey trader in Blackfoot Country complained to Commissioner Taylor: "Sir: The military forces seized from me at Fort Benton, M.T. a lot of liquors under an order which originated from the Government at Washington City. My object in calling your attention to this matter is that an order may be issued directing the liquors to be returned. I am aware that the laws governing trade and intercourse prohibits the introduction into the Indian Country of spirituous liquors, and would gladly submit to the requirement of the law, provided it was regarded as being in force, but events of the past few years have actually overruled the law, or in other words, necessity has made the law inoperative."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.19

"This unlawful and wicked traffic is being carried on by a band of bad men mostly from Fort Benton and Sun River; and the Red river half-breeds have also lately commenced bringing it into the country in large quantities. There is hardly an Indian camp in that part of the country which is not now being reached by these whiskey traders; and a number of bloody fights among themselves while drunk are reported, and the white men and traders in their country who refuse to furnish them with whiskey are threatened with violence. This bad state of affairs has but recently been turning up among these Indians, and is believed to be entirely owing to the introduction of poisonous whiskey by bad men who not only rob them of all their means of support for their families, but are demoralizing the Indians to an alarming extent. I would advise that some authorized and proper person be ordered there at once and I am informed that Maj. Gen. Terry offers the necessary military assistance to enforce the intercourse laws and for protection."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.18-19

"He estimated, "1,300 horses and several thousand buffalo robes were taken from Heavy Runner's band; the young men were on the hunt. Heavy Runner came forward to meet the soldiers, holding up his medals and his papers, and he was shot. I was present at the fight. I wanted my father's murderers. I did what I could to save life, but one could do little with soldiers after they had tasted blood. Heavy Runner was a wealthy and good man. He was a friend of the whites." 
The whiskey trade
One of the original founders of the United States, Benjamin Franklin stated, "And indeed, if it be the design of Providence to extirpate these savages in order to make room for the cultivators of the Earth, it seems not improbable that rum may be the appointed means. It has already annihilated all the tribes who formally inhabited the seacoast." In February 1869 the Special Agent reported to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Taylor: "I have reliable information from responsible men at Fort Benton and also from the new Blackfeet, Blood and Piegan Agencies that the whiskey trade is again being carried on among the Indians of that country, more extensively than ever, and that the Indians are becoming much more demoralized in consequence of it."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.18

"Then there are unprincipled and unscrupulous men of all classes who speak and act without reference to the truth and right, in pursuit of their private ends or the gratification of their passions." "Lt. Pease met with the Piegans a week after the massacre and reported only fifteen of the dead Indians in the peaceable Heavy Runner's camp had been of fighting age; the rest were elderly men, women and children. The warriors were on the winter hunt for buffalo. His report was endorsed by General Sully and sent to Washington and caused a public outcry. Horace Clark, son of the well known white trader Malcolm Clark, who had been murdered by his Piegan in-laws, was about fifteen at the time and recovering from a near fatal wound on the night his father was killed, a bullet entering his right nostril and exiting his right ear. He told the Indian Claims Commission that he was in the Baker Massacre and personally knew Chief Heavy Runner,"a good Indian and a friend of the white people. His camp was practically wiped out and those not killed were left homeless in the 40 degree below zero weather, and their camp equipment and provisions burned by the soldiers and horses taken."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.18

"The former class is naturally timid as respects Indian disturbances. With their experience and their knowledge of the Indian character and disposition they dread their savage neighbor. They know they are the natural objects of their enmity; they have families, homes and fortune, all exposed to their inroads; they have been witnesses to their horrible butcheries, their brutalities to women, their mad ferocity in dealing with those falling into their power. The complete subjugation of the Indians is absolutely essential to their sense of security. The other class have generally not so much to fear from the Indians. They do not, as do the settlers, encroach on the Indians lands. The traders are their friends. They are not likely to exhibit their worst side toward the Indian Department or to acknowledge the entertaining of any other than peaceful intentions in the presence of its employees."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.17-18

"The Inspector General's Office Report of January 29, 1870 stated: "In obedience to instructions of the L.t. General commanding the Division of the subject relating to the condition of Indian Affairs in that region. On date of November 22, General De Trobriand makes a report on the condition of Indian affairs, from which it will be seen that the reports of Indian depredations are exaggerated; and also a second report of the date of November 26, from which it appears that the condition of Indian affairs is by no means alarming. In Montana as in most of our other Territories where there are Indians, there are two classes of people. One is that of the citizen interested in settlement, growth, prosperity, and civilization of the country, many having families and permanent homes there; the other class is connected with the Indians in some way, either through trade or intermarriage, or belonging to the Indian Service."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.16

"The Indians killed mission cattle and then killed the mission herder near to the mission. Father Giorda was summoned from the mining camps where he had brought the word of Jesus Christ to the gold miners. He ordered the mission abandoned and other missions around the region. He wrote "During our short journey to the new place we saw several parties of Indians and whites on the warpath, and it was evident that whiskey had set their brains afire." Encroachment by hordes of Confederate gold miners and Texas cattle kings caused the Government to reduce the Piegan lands, and expend federal funds for Indian wars instigated by whites at Fort Benton; the merchants, politicians, cattlemen and Montana Militia's purpose in starting Indian wars." 
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau 


BLACKFEET INDEPENDENCE DAY-SEPTEMBER 26, 1895! The Blackfeet Indians have been loyal treaty-partners of the United States since signing the 1855 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Amity, allowing American settlers to cross Blackfoot Confederacy lands to Oregon Territory. The treaty included a provision to protect the Blackfeet Indians from "Depredations of white men, living in or crossing their country, may commit." This was an important issue for the Indians as their country was filling up with thousands of settlers encroaching on Blackfeet treaty lands, most of whom were killing Indians on sight including women, children, and elders. By 1863 Blackfoot lands were filled with 30,000 refugees from the Civil War, captured confederate soldiers who told Blackfeet Agent George B. Wright they "did not hold with the treaty" nor "care for U.S. law." By 1890 after the buffalo were destroyed there were only 1,811 Blackfeet Indians left alive from a tribal population of 7,800 in 1860 when confederates encroached on Blackfeet Treaty lands. The 1896 Agreement guaranteed the support of the United States to protect the self-reliant Blackfeet cattle industry developed by the Blackfeet cattle ranchers. Inspector C.C. Duncan reported in 1896 that "This is purely a grazing country, one of the best sections in the west to fatten cattle, during the present year they were enabled to put on the Government contract 1/2 million pounds of beef, shipped 600 hundred head to Chicago, and own near 25,000 cattle, live in houses, sell hay, have a sufficiency of implements, and fenced their ranch properties, and are on a self-supporting basis." George Bird Grinnell wrote the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1904, "A few years ago these Indians accumulated 25,000 cattle. Shortly before the removal of Agent Steell he took steps to scatter the Indians cattle, and they will be found with the expiration of $1.5 million of land cession funds with nothing to show for all the money they received except a few cattle and agency buildings." Inspector Gould reported the Blackfeet were worse off than convicts with a corrupt warden, "but these Indians are not felons either. Their case is hard. The short years during which Congress has provided ample means are fast passing. They know it. They feel they are not sliding but being pushed toward a pit of helplessness. Their revenues are stolen, their rights are insolently disregarded, and even their feelings are needlessly wronged, and Secretary [of the Interior] Vilas is personally responsible for this corruption and misrule." Next on the list were the private property of the Blackfeet landowners, the subject of the current unresolved Blackfeet land frauds, the forced fee patents conspiracy which robbed my grandma's land and hundreds of thousands of other Indian  lands across the United States. The Cobell Settlement checks came today, $851 for 160 years of stealing money from grandma's trust money accounts by federal employees. I want my land back, and I want justice for the 17,000 Indian claims trashed by President Reagan. Bob Juneau, Blackfeet patriot

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.16

"Father Prando recalled: "My first Christian convert was a medicine woman, advanced in years, very skilled in the use of herbs and roots as remedies-almost too skilled. Yet, she freely renounced all dealings that she might have had with the evil one before her baptism. Just before the pouring of the water, when I was stretching out my hand to place it on her head, she began to tremble from head to foot with great terror. After Baptism she became tranquil in body and her face was very calm."
Lt. Col. Alfred Sully, U.S. Army Superintendent of Indian Affairs, reported on August 3, 1869 to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, "Sir: I feel it my duty to report to you that I fear before long we may have serious difficulties between Indians and whites in this Territory and I would urge upon you the necessity of applying for an immediate increase of military force in Montana to prevent this. There is no section of the country that has more Indians in it than Montana, taking into consideration those who permanently reside here and those who visit the Territory peaceably or with hostile intentions."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.15

"Montana Confederates massacre the Piegans" 
"The Blackfeet Indians felt they could stem the flow of the border-whites into Blackfoot Country, held by treaty with the United States. Guerrilla warfare between the ex-Confederate soldiers sent up the Missouri River by the Union Army and the Blackfoot Indians were the order of the day. 
John B. Morgan, a confederate squaw man, lived near the mission. He entertained four Piegan's at his house long enough to have his band of Confederates to capture the Indians while they were eating at this table. The Piegans were hanged from trees on Morgan's property and their bodies thrown into the river through a hole in the ice. This treacherous killing was immediately reported to the Piegans. John Morgan ran to the mission and begged the priests to allow him to live at the mission, lying about the killings and saying he was in danger owing to the unsettled conditions between whites and Indians."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.15

"Governor Meagher's Black-Feet Extermination Campaign 
Montana Territory Governor/General of the Montana Militia Thomas Francis Meagher Issued A PROCLAMATION CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: 
"Whereas, it has been represented to me, by reliable persons, one of them; Acting Indian Agent for the Black-Feet nation, that the Piegans and Blood tribes of that nation have recently been, and still are committing grievous depredations, in the neighborhood of Fort Benton, on the property of whitesettlers resident at that place; And Whereas, it has been alleged on the same authority, that murders have been perpetrated in the vicinity of that place, as also in other localities, by the said Piegans and Bloods, and facts as well as fair and lawful inferences sustain these allegations; And Whereas, it appears that the people living in and about Fort Benton are in grave apprehension of their property and lives, and that they are barely strong enough in numbers to defend themselves from anticipated attacks from these enemies of our government and civilization; And Whereas, no military force being as yet dispatched to this Territory by the National Government to protect the people to whom the Territory owes its existence and great promise: Therefore, I, Thomas Francis Meagher, Acting Governor of the Territory of Montana, do hereby call for at least 500 volunteers to meet me and form an expedition at Helena, which shall march against these marauders and murderers, so that the guilty parties shall be demanded of the tribes and put to death."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.14

"In 1869 Army Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Lt. Colonel Sully reported, "I intend to do all I can to arrest some of the citizens, who about ten days ago, committed the cowardly murder of a harmless old man and a boy about fourteen years old at Fort Benton. They were Piegans (a part of the Blackfeet Tribe). These Indians were shot in broad daylight in the streets of the town. I think I can arrest the murderers, but I doubt very much if I can convict them in any court. Nothing can be done to insure the peace and order till there is a military force here strong enough to clear out the roughs and whiskey sellers in the country; but I will do all I can, with the limited means in my power to prevent a war or any serious difficulties between the whites and Indians."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.14

"Governor Meagher's Indian war in Montana is the biggest humbug of the age, got up to advance his political interest, and to enable a lot of bummers who surround and hang on to him to make a big raid on the United States Treasury. Parties (and hundreds of them) were traveling from Helena to Fort Benton, some mounted, some on foot, and some in wagons, in squads of two, four, six and eight persons-some armed and some unarmed. None appeared to apprehend any more danger from hostile Indians than they would in Washington City. The boat I came down the river on (the Yorktown) did not even load the guns furnished them by the War Department during the round trip, but allowed Indians to come on board the boat when they wished to do so (that is, when we were lying to). Neither did I hear of a single boat that had been disturbed by Indians on the Missouri river, the many statements made in the newspapers notwithstanding. I am satisfied no trouble need be apprehended from the above-named tribes, unless the same is brought on by acts of General Meagher and the troops under his orders."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.13-14

"By their removal there would be no occasion for hostility; each party could attend to their own business, for history and experience in this Territory have proven that the introduction of so many emigrants, having such a diversity of character and hatred towards the Indian, having rendered travel unsafe, and the highways of today are attractively different from those of yesterday. In this separation that I so earnestly urge (between white and Indian races) the government would be benefitted and all mankind could move on without meeting in any danger. I have just arrived home from the Flathead Agency, Montana Territory, while on my trip I was in the camps of the Kootenay, Pen d'Orielle, Flathead, Peigan-Blackfeet, Gros Ventre, Assiniboine, Ree and Crow, Mandan, and Arickaree tribes of Indians. I packed across the country from Hell Gate to Fort Benton, and thence took steamer for St. Louis, and did not see a hostile Indian during the entire trip. I saw and conversed with many persons who have been among the above-named tribes during the last six months and the Indians of Montana generally, and those residing along the Missouri river, were never behaving better than at present, than they have been for some time past, (say seven to nine months) and they are as a general thing peaceably disposed toward our government."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Thursday, September 18, 2014


"JOBBERY IS ALLEGED" is the headline of the Anaconda Standard in 1895, with the sub-title, "A Rich Mineral Belt is said to be Under Covetous Eyes-In the Blackfoot Reserve-Rumor Has It That Influential Men Are Scheming to Gobble the Whole Tract When Congress Says the Word- Prominent politicians, alleged statesmen, members of Congress, federal officials, army officers, railway magnates, and well-known businessmen in and out of Montana have been charged with being members of a powerful "ring" which it is maintained, has been organized for the sole purpose of gobbling up the more valuable mineral properties and town site locations on the reserve, and utilizing the same to the personal advantage of members of the syndicate. No poor man has any chance of securing anything of value there." United States Treaty Commissioner Pollock told the Blackfeet Indians there was a gold rush that even the army could not stop, and that the government would not force the Indians to sell the "mineral strip" discovered by Indian Agent Cooke and his son Irvin, employed as Issue Clerk. Horace Clark, the half-breed son of Malcolm Clark, who was killed by his in-laws, suggested the government should help the Blackfeet Indians to develop the ores for themselves. Treaty Commissioner Pollock said the negotiations were ended, but he knew the land cession funds from the 1887 Sweet Grass Hills sale of 17,000,000 acres for $1.5 million was wasted on agency salaries and robbed by Indian Bureau officials and the Indians were broke once again. The Blackfeet Chiefs "Sold the Rocks" and reserved the timber, grazing lands, and water holes for the Blackfeet cattle industry which was a success. By 1904 George Bird Grinnell wrote the Congress the Indians were broke once again due to agency mismanagement of the $1.5 million received for the 1896 land cession to the United States. Agent Steell, the "Morphine eater" exposed by Dr. Jenkins said Steell regularly took a dose of 1/2 gram to a full gram daily, and would only talk to the Blackfeet Chiefs through a hole cut in the door to his office while the chiefs sat in a room outside his office. Steell was replaced after he scattered the Indians cattle herd of 25,000 head toward his cattle ranch on the southern border at Birch creek. After no gold was discovered the mineral belt was used to create Glacier Park and the Lewis & Clark National Forest on the ceded lands reserved by the Blackfeet Chiefs in the 1896 Agreement. The Indians were broke again, and the next target of the "ring" was the allotted lands of the Blackfeet Indians robbed by the hundreds of thousands of acres, which are the subject of current Blackfeet land fraud claims, which I have brought to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in 1980, 2001, 2007, and there they lie, on a shelf in Washington D.C. ignored by the U.S. Congress; dominated today by the moral character of the criminal syndicate of frontier Montana. Bob Juneau Sr. A Blackfeet and American patriot, who works for justice for the Indians every day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.13

"This theory may be, in contemplation, pleasant, yet practically it would meet with embarrassments, for experience has thus far proven, unless there be a general uprising of the people, sanctioned by the United States Congress, the Indian would maintain his existence, and the tradition of his death in Montana Territory would seem an absurdity. This government is too humane to annihilate those who, from wrongs inflicted upon them, justly punished the white aggressor, and the Old World has yet to be taught that the United States, having purchased land by treaty, would possess and occupy other lands through force and power. The genius of our institutions, although differing with many minds regarding territorial occupancy, agrees in the main that the Indian should be removed from the encroachments of the white race and honestly compensated for the relinquishment of their lands."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.12-13

"Now, if this clause should be put into practical demonstration, it would no doubt be apparent the white race would gain, for it is conceded that in questions of this character the great preponderance of strength of the merchants and miners, who are generously contributing to our national prosperity and greatness, would prevent the association of the races together, for neither by birth nor education could there exist the least friendly relations. Therefore, is it not better that by the removal of this agency further back into the interior, there could be effected a more permanent peace to the country and more general safety to both races.
It might be argued that if there should be a repetition of Indian wars, the race would then be, not only in name but in fact, exterminated, and there would be no further use for agents or agency buildings."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.12

"A few of the Chiefs of the Blackfeet tribe called recently to see me and expressed a strong desire to remain in peace their own nation and the white race. They are, however, strongly opposed to visiting Fort Benton to see their agent, owing to the heavy white settlement around the town, and as there has been no provision made by the late Congress for a new treaty on the part of the government with them, by reason of the treaty of the Judith River of 1855 expiring by limitation, and the non-satisfaction of the treaty of 1865. I am apprehensive of not seeing any of the Indians until next spring. As I have frequently stated my reasons for a change of agency from this place, I respectfully again urge its necessity upon the government and herewith transmit my reasons therefore. Then again, the authority of the agent is questioned regarding the sale of liquors at open bar on the various steamboats which arrive at certain portions of the year at Fort Benton, it having become a port of entry for steamboats of the heaviest tonnage, and who bring with them contraband articles for the various merchants throughout the territory, thereby again operating against that clause [1855 treaty] which reads as follows: "Or shall introduce or attempt to introduce any spiritous liquor or wine into the Indian country; such persons, on conviction thereof before the proper district court of the United States, shall be imprisoned for a period not to exceed two years and shall be fined not more than three hundred dollars."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.11-12

"These Indians were returning from a war with the Crow and Snake Indians hence this was, in my opinion, an uncalled for attack for two reasons: the first of which reason was, the Indians were not informed of the opposition to their crossing the river; the second reason that it was the wreaking of personal hatred toward the Indians in the loss of horses stolen from the whites by some persons who were supposed to be Indians. On the following day, the 19th of September, 1866, another party of Indians was seen some six miles above Fort Benton, on that side of the river, whereupon the same class of persons who killed the abovementioned Indians started on horseback after them. They overtook the Indians and fired into them, killing six, bringing the scalps into the town. I endeavored to secure the scalps but was refused. It is well known that in thickly settled countries the citizens thereof carry with them more or less hostility towards the Indians, and spare no efforts when success seems certain, in obliterating them from existence."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau
Indian land claims are a threat to the political balance in Congress: The enormity of the Indian land claims becomes clearer when viewed from the perspective of Conservative Republicans and corporations. The Indians would be rich! In the political structure of Congress it is the rich 1% who attract the votes and protection of Congress. If the Indians got rich, we might get a bill in Congress to right old wrongs and get the white-apartheid reservation/county form of state government removed from sovereign Indian nations. Border-whites are parasites on the Indians, living on stolen Indian property, and have created an underground economy without normal legal title on the reservations. It is economic apartheid and political slavery creating a "prisoner's dilemma" for sovereign Indian land owners, who cannot fight the power of the state, and federal trustee conspiracy. One honest man is worth all the gold in the world to the Americans who suffer poverty wrought by the corporations and the rich owners who have enslaved millions of Americans in minimum wage jobs. President Obama is an honest man. If he weren't honest, the Conservative Republicans would have impeached him by now. The Indians have been cheated of land, gold, uranium, coal, timber, oil, gas, water, cattle ranches, cattle herds, sheep businesses, reservation industry and economy, sovereignty, treaty rights, and the right to self-governance by states, speculators, corporations, and individuals with complicity of the federal government as trustee of Indian land and treaty rights. Bob Juneau, Sr. Blackfeet

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.11

"Agent Wright reported "Soon after my arrival at Fort Benton and on the 18th day of September, 1866, there was seen on the opposite bank of the Missouri River a party of elevan paiegan Indians, desirous of crossing over to the Benton side, whereupon a body of some twenty whites, residents of Fort Benton, and returning miners to the States, ran up to the bend of the river, and as the Indians touched the shore, these men fired into them, wounding some three of them, and killing one. The balance of the Indians, with the wounded, ran back to the opposite shore, leaving the dead one in the hands of the whites, who immediately scalped him. It seemed impossible to remonstrate against such conduct. It was claimed for defense that, under the treaty of 1865, entered into on the part of the government by the late lamented Montana Governor Thomas Francis Meagher, Judge Munson, and my predecessor, the honorable deceased Gad E. Upson, there was a verbal agreement between themselves and the [Blackfeet] Chiefs that no war party, either going to or coming from the war, should come near Fort Benton."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.11

"Texas cattle kings, Montana politicians, Confederate-gold miners, and land speculators were among 30,000 emigrants who invaded Blackfoot Confederacy lands by 1870, which insured destruction of vast buffalo herds in a short period of twenty years of indiscriminate slaughter that placed the Indians at the mercy of the United States Government for every mouthful of food. The Blackfeet Indians were nearly destroyed. 
Fort Benton, Montana Territory-killing & scalping Indians 
Civilization and Christianity failed to stem the tide of genocide at Fort Benton, Montana Territory. Christian churches began frontier crusades to stamp out native religions, and Government agents and Montana politicians continued their graft and Indian genocide policies. In 1866 at Blackfeet Agency, Agent Wright detailed a series of unprovoked attacks by the Confederate gold miners against Blackfeet Indians urged the Federal Government to remove the Blackfeet Agency away from Fort Benton because the merchants robbed the Indian annuities and the miners murders made it impossible to distribute the Blackfoot treaty goods or for the Indians to meet with their agent."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.11

"Official Government investigations indicated many of the hostilities were traced to corrupt Indian agents. One Indian agent bored out the weights for the scales used to apportion beef rations to the Indians and sold the meat thus gained to the agency trader. This agent later became a United States Senator. Congressional investigations turned out to be whitewashes, while Texas cattle kings, Fort Benton merchants and Indian agents cheated Indians of their grazing lands, treaty annuities and land cession funds. President Grant's Peace Policy of "civilizing by Christianizing" the Indians resulted in complete loss of public confidence in Indian Service Administration, and his peace policy was completely discredited, nullified by incompetency, corruption and public distrust."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.10

"The Board of Indian Commissioners found it was simply an impossibility to obtain competent executive ability for so low a salary which, "despite energetic attempts to secure its increase, constituted the crux of the problem and avowedly corrupt individuals were thereby encouraged to enter the service for what could be made from it." Christian church officials, appointed by President Grant, inspected Indian agents they recommended, but many were found to have lost their scruples when placed in a remote agency post where the remuneration was so inadequate and the system provided such inviting opportunities for financial gain. Corrupt Indian agents were no inconsiderable factor in native intractability. The Indians resisted surrendering tribal property, freedom of movement and freedom of choice for a life of close supervision and literal starvation on a reduced Indian reservation, where the Indian agent and contractors grew rich at their expense."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.10

"In 1873 a House of Representatives inquiry into the Indian Bureau concluded that "The Indian Service is absolutely blocked with thieves and scoundrels, whose bad conduct and effect on the Indians and Government go largely to produce a distrust and want of confidence upon the part of the people, and of Congress to act in and carefully consider Indian matters." Congress' Indian policy reforms did not remedy rascality on any level of federal or territorial government. General David S. Stanley testified that "a Catholic agent in his district had acquired a fortune approaching $40,000 during a comparatively short tenure at a stipulated salary of $1,500 a year." 
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau 
The book "The Sacred Buffalo Vision" lets the reader view the actual government documents, hearings, investigations of Congress, and records the oral history of the Blackfeet Indians in protesting the encroachment of border-whites onto the Blackfeet Reservation. There is no question that a conspiracy existed between the federal trustees, the Indian Bureau, border-whites and the Montana Legislature to enact "reservation/counties" units of state government within the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, which county land base entirely rests upon stolen Blackfeet property. That is apartheid and usurpation of the sovereign treaty status of the Blackfeet Tribe, and allowed the robbery of Indian property by state courts-white rule over free treaty Indians. My great-grandmother, Mattie Medicine Wolf Woman Bird, who was a full-blood Blackfeet Indian, who married a white man, John Bird, and had 10 children, was a successful business person. Here is how she did it. She sent her oldest son, Sam Bird, to Carlisle Industrial School where he learned to manage a cattle ranch, and received an education comparable to high school level. He also played on the football team with Jim Thorpe, and was captain of the team in 1912. When he returned home, he was able to get a start in the cattle and sheep business, and by 1914 had a herd of 14,000 sheep, and brought his brothers into the business. He chose sheep because they brought cash quickly with lamb and wool sales while cattle took years to get cash. My grandma Margaret Bird was a Haida Indian, who was 10 years old when a small pox outbreak left her parents and family dead on Queen Charlotte Island in Alaska. The Methodist Church outreach kept her in a group home for awhile then sent her to Carlisle where she met and married Sam Bird. She learned to run a household from white farmers in the summers at Carlisle and had chickens, ducks, turkeys, milk cows, vegetable garden, root cellar, and sold milk, cream and butter to the local creamery to get cash. Multiply their success by the hundreds of other Blackfeet cattle ranchers and sheepmen who made a success on the reservation. My grandpa Bird had electricity from batteries in his basement and a windmill to pump water for domestic and watering stock. These are people who made a success of their opportunities. Now comes the border-whites who envied the success of the Indians and used the conspiracy to take everything from the Indians. Local whites once asked my great-grandma if she wanted to go back to the buffalo days, and she told them "go back to what?" It was all gone and they made the best of what they had, and these are their land claims I fight for every day of my life. Both of my great-grandmothers are listed on the Eligible Indian Money Damage Claims. My other grandma is Mary Black Horn Juneau and both were of Chief Heavy Runners band slaughtered in the winter of 1869 by border-whites who lied about Indian depredations to cause the genocide.  Bob Juneau Sr.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision Bibliography

                                                By Robert C. Juneau and Bob Juneau
                                                Published on Amazon .Com
                                                Copyright 2013




            The bulk of the manuscript material used for this book is in the National Archives, Washington D.C. and some material is available on microfilm at the Mansfield Library, University of Montana-Missoula Campus.
Of particular interest are the letters of the Blackfeet Agency Superintendent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the testimony of Blackfeet Chiefs to Congress regarding the depredations of whites and the trespass of Texas Cattle Kings, gold miners and settlers upon the grazing lands of the Blackfeet Reservation.
Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, containing the Monthly Reports of the Blackfeet Agent, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, 1855-1896 cover subjects of trespass of white men, the Baker Massacre, the Blackfeet Famine, the Whisky Trade, Small Pox outbreaks, Blackfeet land cessions to the United States, and the destruction of the Blackfeet cattle industry in the 1890’s by white cattlemen.
The period of Blackfeet Allotment, 1907-1934 is covered by Indian Office Files, Blackfeet, and the Reports of the Indian Claims Commission, Docket No. 279-D, Plaintiffs Exhibits, and the Foley Report.
The period of modern Blackfeet history is covered by Hearings of the Congress, Select Committee On Indian Affairs, United States Senate regarding Blackfeet land claims for the Forced Fee Patents Conspiracy, and Indian Allotted Water Rights, Minerals, Complicity of the Federal Trustee in the Blackfeet Allotted land frauds covered by Public Law 96-217, Section 2, and Testimony of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council on the loss of Blackfeet Oil & Gas property and related land frauds.
Finally, there is testimony of Blackfeet leaders on the depredations of whites and encroachment by the Territory and State of Montana upon the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, 1855-1983.