Saturday, July 16, 2016

Rumors on the water compact say $400 million to the Blackfeet Tribe.

Rumors on the water compact say $400 million to the Blackfeet Tribe. I don't know that for sure because the tribal council operates in secret and spends our tribal money in secret, so who knows but the inner circle of concentrated powers we gave to the council in the constitution. The water compact was negotiated by Chairman Old Person's one man water department and N.A.R.F. lawyer, that is a free attorney, so you get what you pay for and we got nothing as allotted landowners. The cattle ranchers have a treaty right to the "exclusive use and occupancy" of tribal grazing lands for Blackfeet ranchers cattle herds in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. The institutional equity requirement in settlements was ignored by the tribal council, and there is no legal duty in the compact to "make the Blackfeet cattle ranchers whole" for their economic losses in the taking of the grazing lands and water rights in the construction of the St. Mary Diversion and canal that displaced Blackfeet cattle ranchers by leasing the entire St. Mary valley to James J. Hill's 'Park Saddle Horse Company" for ten cents an acre approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs that destroyed the self-reliant Blackfeet cattle industry. The 'make whole' requirement of the Just Compensation Clause requires the Government to use accepted valuation standards as the means to "capitalize the stream of income the Indians would have received from the grazing lands, force patented allotted lands, water rights, and cattle industry if their land and cattle had not been usurped by Glacier County, Federal Reclamation Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and white ranchers and void patent-in-fee landowners on the Blackfeet Reservation. In 2015 Glacier County ranchers revenues $67,000,000, and Pondera County revenues $75,000,000 in sales of cows and crops. Just compensation should cover the period of 1919-2016, but the tribal council does not intend to share any of the $400 million with the Blackfeet cattle ranchers or to make them whole for their losses with the compact money. The tribal council lost a billion dollar claim for oil losses under the reservation, and century old trespass and rights of way claims, and allotted landowners did not get to present our claims for 312,250 acres of stolen family lands and a claim for $600 million in just compensation to be paid directly to the heirs of 1,200 Original Blackfeet Allottees. In addition to all of this screwing up, the tribal council is supposed to submit an economic and social recovery plan on behalf of the Blackfeet cattle ranchers and the heirs of the original allottees who lost their family lands to white men in Glacier County. In 1931 the old tribal council of chiefs prior to the idiots on the new tribal council reserved all hydro-electric sites on all reservation streams, and Glacier County agreed to pay all revenues above operating costs to the Blackfeet Tribe, which is binding on Glacier Electric Coop. The chiefs also requested a re-survey of the western reservation border from Divide mountain north to the Canadian border containing 13,000 acres inside of Glacier Park, and from Divide mountain south to the western edge of Two Medicine lake over to Heart Butte and Birch Creek containing 43,000 acres inside of Glacier Park and Lewis & Clark National Forest. All of these claims were denied Earl Old Person.