Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.37-38

Agent Young reported,"Regarding charges of cattle killing this winter and the previous one by Indians on the hunt in the Judith Basin, confident Indians did not participate, but believes hard winter accounted for many losses of white cattlemen.  White man named Jackson killed two Indians on border of reservation-40 miles away-when he opened fire on them when they came to discuss stolen horses.  They returned fire and he was killed.  Four Indians arrested for killing white men's cattle.  Indians complain large number of white men's cattle on reservation; although notified, they do nothing to remove them.  Indians hauling wood-working with wagons and horses is congenial employment for Indians.  Report of cattle dying off reservation during severe weather led to Indians to leave reservation for carcasses.  White cattle owners complained to Gen. Brockie, who led a guard and compelled Indians to return to Agency, sent to lodges and cautioned not to leave again.  There is a sad want of nourishing food and hospital stores for those recovering from illness."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau
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