Tuesday, September 29, 2015


An exclusive territory illegally occupied by illegal aliens who usurped legal occupants; operating "extralegally" without "normal" legal titles in an "underground" economy would seem to be located in the former apartheid regime of South Africa. Instead, the lands of the treaty Indians in the United States have fallen to white-apartheid regimes of "reservation/counties" occupied by border-whites within the exterior boundaries of Indian Reservations across the United States. White supremacist groups have their origins on Indian Reservations due to fears that someday the Indians would get justice and Congress would restore land titles of 17,000 Indian landowners to 100 million acres of Indian property including billions of dollars of oil, gold, uranium, coal, and water rights robbed from dispossessed Indian heirs to original Indian landowners in complicity with federal government trustees of Indian lands. In 1979 the infamous Bureau of Indian Affairs, a rogue federal agency, and its director testified under oath to Congress that it was complicit in the massive Indian land frauds under its trusteeship, but that litigation of the Indian claims would present the public spectacle of the "United States Government suing itself on behalf of its Indian Wards." Did Congress restore the 17,000 Indian land claims to 100 million acres of Indian property, and provide billions of dollars in Just Compensation due the Indian Heirs to the original Indian allottees robbed by federal trustees and border-whites? President Reagan defied Public Law 96-217, Section 2 passed by Congress to restore Indian land titles either by litigation or by Congress. Reagan stonewalled Indian claims by refusing to either institute legal action or to send the Indian claims to Congress to restore Indian land titles and provide just compensation for loss of billions of dollars in revenues. I was in Washington D.C. lobbying the Senate Indian Affairs Committee to restore the hundreds of Blackfeet land allotments robbed in Glacier County court by cattlemen judges, juries, and officials. Indian land frauds are well known to the Executive Branch and Congress for a century but the western congressmen from western states and national white supremacy organizations are strong enough to prevent any justice for the Indian heirs living in poverty in tribal housing slums in a hopeless condition that any justice will ever be done for them, and their children will suffer the same fate into the future. I can only ask for economic sanctions against Montana beef producers who live on Indian lands, and who are the authors of Indian hate groups. China are you listening, please boycott Montana beef products!
Bob Juneau Sr. Heir to stolen lands of my grandmothers robbed by Glacier County border-whites.   

Sunday, September 27, 2015


The reservation/county government was enacted on Indian reservations by state legislatures to cover up massive land frauds of Indian property by border-whites, who are parasites on Indian people. The county courts severed Indian land titles with impunity because their congressmen and the Secretary of the Interior were complicit in the massive land frauds of Indian land, oil, coal, uranium, and today it is the pure waters of the reservation they covet in the water compacts forced on the Indians by western congressmen enacting laws in Congress to end Indian treaty rights. White supremacists like the National Cattlemen's Association and Farmers Union fear that someday the Indians will get justice and they will be removed from Indian reservations and Indian titles restored. The white-apartheid South African government and Soviet Union taunted President Reagan for white apartheid in the United States and its treatment of Indian people in robbing Indian land and resources.The reservation/county governments across the western states have held the Indian people in a state of abject poverty so that in every census these counties are documented as the poorest counties in the United States for the past century. Every western state from Montana to the Dakotas have Patent-in-Fee lands robbed from the Indians in county courts, and the federal trustee Interior Department leases Indian trust lands to border-whites for a pittance while the Indian landowners live on federal poverty programs in a state of misery. Formerly there were prosperous Indian cattle ranchers living on their land allotments who were self-supporting and successful cattle owners who had survived a century of attempted genocide by these border-whites who ginned up Indian wars for profits and to cause Indian removal to smaller reservations. Today, the border-whites have polluted their water and plowed under the rich buffalo grasses so that the topsoil is down to one inch and when that is gone the dust bowls of the 1930's will ravage the states. Where will they get grazing and farm lands and clean waters? That is the underlying purpose of forcing Indians into water compacts which will give these border-whites a clear title to stolen Indian lands and water rights. It is "outlawing justice" for the Indian landowners by an Act of Congress that favors their constituents who are land robbers and white supremacists. The people of the United States are beginning to feel the policy of economic apartheid systems the Indians have lived under for centuries. It is not a race issue, it is economic apartheid and corporate colonization of America by a group of billionaires who desire to be trillionaires at your expense.
Bob Juneau Sr. author of the "Sacred Buffalo Vision" available on Amazon.Com

Friday, September 25, 2015


Mrs. Helen Hunt Jackson was a tireless reformer for Indian Affairs who documented the murders and robberies of Indian people in her book published in 1885, "A Century of Dishonor" which caused national shame in the ill-treatment of the Indian people and failure of the United States Government to uphold treaty promises made to Indians. Mrs. Jackson wrote, "The story of one tribe is the story of all, varied only by differences of time and place; but neither time nor place makes any difference in the main facts, Colorado is as greedy, and unjust in 1880, as was Georgia in 1830, and Ohio in 1795; and the United States Government breaks promises now as deftly as then, and with an added ingenuity from long practice. Cheating, robbing, breaking promises-these three are clearly things which must cease to be done. One more thing also, and that is the refusal of the protection of the laws, to the Indian's rights of property; "Of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The book of ours called "The Sacred Buffalo Vision" documents the frontier genocide of Montana border-whites in massacre, starvation, small pox outbreaks, whiskey trade, and land frauds of the private-property of the Blackfeet Indians, the usurpation of the reservation by white squatters on the stolen Blackfeet allotted lands under federal trusteeship, the rustling of 25,000 cattle owned by successful, self-reliant Blackfeet cattle ranchers who developed the Blackfeet cattle industry robbed by Texas Cattle Kings, Swift & Co. and United States Indian Agent complicity who built his ranch on stolen Indian cattle. The land frauds of 17,000 original Indian allottees covering 100 million acres on Indian reservations across the United States are still unresolved although well documented by the Congress. Blackfeet Chiefs brought the forced patents claims to Congress since 1919, the date of the illegal incorporation of Montana law on the reservation to usurp tribal sovereignty and cover up property crimes. In 1983 we brought our claims to Washington to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee but President Reagan had tossed our claims in the trash can, and there they sit till today, a victim of the century-old denial of Indian property rights held by treaty with the United States. The little known fact is that Chicago Crime boss Al Capone got in on the racketeering by funding a local bank that foreclosed on Indian cattle ranchers before they could market their cattle to Chicago Stockyards, while the Blackfeet landowners were murdered by the agent starving the Indians. Al Capone killed the senate investigator in Chicago where he was trailed from the reservation. The method of murdering today is to deny federal funding like President Reagan did in 1983; to end national Indian protests by cutting treaty obligation funds by 40% causing many deaths on Indian reservations under his control. Diabetes is slowly killing this generation of Blackfeet children due to poor diets caused by poverty inflicted by depriving the Indians of their private-property and let the despair and hopelessness kill in place of the Indian massacres of Mrs. Jackson's day. Her hope was that the American people would rise up and demand justice for a helpless people should they know the truth. Our book was tossed out of public schools in Montana because the Indians do not know their history, it is not taught in public schools. My hope is to raise public awareness via our book and the internet to generate calls for justice for all.
Bob Juneau Sr. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015


"Usurpation" is defined in Black's Law Dictionary as "The unlawful encroachment or assumption of the use of property, power, or authority which belongs to another, an interruption or the disturbing a man in his right and possession, the unlawful seizure or assumption of government or supreme power by force or illegally, in derogation of the Constitution and of the rights of the lawful ruler." Economic Apartheid is a government system that operates extra-legally without a normal legal title in an underground economy by usurping the property rights of the legal owners of the property. The "reservation/county" is an illegal governmental unit of state government created by the Montana Legislature in 1919 for the white men living on the Blackfeet Reservation on stolen Blackfeet property. The usurpation of the reservation by border-whites has plunged a formerly prosperous people [Blackfeet cattle ranchers] into poverty, unemployment, and government corruption in state and federal governments in Indian Affairs and treaty rights. The void Patent-in-Fee titles of border whites in Glacier and Pondera counties are trust lands robbed from the Blackfeet Original Allottees in the "Forced Fee Patents Cases on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation" that are the subject of our land claims sitting in the Senate Indian Affairs Committee since 2001. The Federal Trustee Bureau of Indian Affairs confessed to complicity [partners-in-crime] in the massive forced fee patents cases of 17,000 original Indian allottees to 100 million acres of Indian trust property on Indian reservations across the United States stating to the Congress in 1979 that"The government would have to sue itself on behalf of its Indian wards." How corrupt! The Blackfeet Treaty Indians suffer the "Prisoner's Dilemma" in being subjected to state laws and taxes without being state citizens but who are in reality a "sovereign people" exempt from state jurisdiction. Why do white men operate outside the normal legal economy on the reservation? The white man cannot legalize his property title because he is in violation of the Blackfeet Treaty. The Blackfeet cattle ranchers and landowners on the other hand cannot access loans, credit or financial investment because the border-whites have usurped the reservation economy that was developed by 1893 in the self-reliant Blackfeet cattle industry of 500 Blackfeet ranchers, 25,000 cattle, shipping steers to Chicago Stockyards, selling beef and hay to the agency, building homes, barns, fences, and improvements to their ranches and cash for all needful things. The successful tribal cattle economy has been replaced by the welfare economy and poverty of the Blackfeet caused by land frauds unresolved for a century now. That is white apartheid and economic apartheid existing on the sovereign Blackfeet Indian Reservation. We cannot live with white parasites sucking the economic lifeblood from our tribal economy. The tribal council has signed a water compact that gives these white land robbers a legal title to our stolen lands, water rights and cattle economy, a billion dollars worth of oil and our sovereignty. I cannot see the passion of the Blackfeet Chief for saving the Badger-Two Medicine but leave us to the mercies of pirates.
Bob Juneau Sr.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


How did the white man get land on the Blackfeet Reservation? Joseph K. Dixon, President of the National Indian Memorial Association wrote General John J. Pershing, General of the Armies in World War One in 1921, that, "One hundred fifty Blackfeet Indians fought in World War One on the fields of France and only about twenty came back, and not one of them sound and many of them wounded; that these Indian veterans are now dying by the roadside and so are many of their other tribal members, from sheer hunger; that the tribe is being decimated by the pangs of hunger; that their hunting grounds have been pre-empted and their land filched. I want to know General Pershing, if you are able to find anywhere, in the annals of the deplorable conditions obtaining in starving Russia and hunger-ridden Armenia, anything more heart rending or deplorable than this condition on the Blackfeet Reservation-denied absolutely by Cato Sells, Indian Commissioner, unheeded by Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane, and why it is and how it is that this nation will pour out its treasures of food and clothing and sympathy on the children of foreign lands while they leave destitute and dying Indians under the control of a merciless bureaucracy. There is no speech, there is no language, there is no heart-rending cry that will in any fashion become adequate to the description of such a state of affairs. Please use your influence and great heart to strike a blow somewhere, somehow, that will rouse the people to a realization of the horrors that exist at their own door, and that the spirit of mercy and of good-will clustering about the manger and cradle in Bethlehem will bring gifts of food and clothing to these dependent, oppressed, and damaged Indians, old and blind, who lived to rear boys whom they sent to fight under your swords in France, who are likewise wounded, helpless and suffering with their fathers whom they cannot help. God have mercy on us if we do not do something and do it soon." Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior immediately protested, going so far as to send a special messenger to Mr. Rodman Wannamaker in New York stating that I am "abusing the United Stats Government." Not many weeks later the Women's Club of San Francisco wrote a letter to Senator W.P. Dillingham of Vermont detailing the awful conditions obtaining on the Blackfeet Reservation. Senator Dillingham sent the letter to Cato Sells, Commissioner of Indian Affairs who stated "No reports have been received by me of Indians starving to death under the jurisdiction  of the Federal Government suffering from want of food." That statement was made in the face of the fact that the Joint Commission of Congress to Investigate Indian Affairs, serial no. two, part 6-A, by Senator Harry Lane of Oregon, and in it you will find hunger, neglect, oppression, failure, injustice and horror personified. Cato Sells was in possession of that report at the very moment he wrote to Senator Dillingham." James Willard Schultz wrote, "I, myself saw that the rations doled out to the few families that had ration tickets could not possibly last them more than three days which would leave them nine days to starve. The bacon given out was not fit for a dog to eat; it was so rotten that it made a stench in the great building." Hart Merriam Schultz, son of James Willard Schultz,who  had a Blackfeet mother, wrote, "Well the Blackfeet are about finished. Excepting a few old people they get no rations. They have no grain crops and very little hay and the dreadful winter is yet to come. Yesterday Many Guns and Dog Gun came to see me and said they were so hungry they had to ask for help. Unless you all help they will all die off this winter. An old woman came to see me, walking all the way from Two Medicine. She was in rags and starving, I gave her a meal and bought coffee, sugar, and meat for her and she was so affected by this, she broke down and cried. I tell you, by God, it makes me so mad to see the condition these Indians are in, they are plumb out of food and their faces have turned grey from hunger. It serves well the interests of the purposes of those who are after this big grass country of the Blackfeet Reservation, now practically all taken by agents of the big meat trust Swift & Co. through its subsidiary the Portland Land & Cattle Co. The patents issued by Cato Sells resulted in the traders at Browning where one trader had 212 of the land allotments and other real estate sharks has hundreds more."
 Note by Bob Juneau: The Forced Fee Patents Cases on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation have sat in the Senate Indian Affairs Committee for a century now, and the water compact will hand over Patent-in-Fee titles to the white ranchers living on those stolen Blackfeet lands forever. I have fought for these claims since 1980 when the Blackfeet Chiefs asked me to help the people with their "land problems", which turned out to be these claims. I am at the end of my life and I fear I have failed to win our claims and the restoration of 1,200 Blackfeet Indian Allotted lands leaving us with poverty forever. Please, if you have any humanity, E-Mail President Obama to protest this century old historic injustice to a loyal ally of the United States since the 1855 Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Amity. The Blackfeet Tribe has an 80% unemployment rate due to border-whites occupation of the productive lands and usurpation of the cattle industry and economic rights of the Blackfeet Indians and the incorporation of Glacier and Pondera Counties on the stolen lands of the Blackfeet Indians.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Incredibly stupid is the only accurate description I can give to the tribal council's management of water compact negotiations with the state of Montana and the United States Government. Nobody is going to save us from council stupidity this time as water attorneys warn "COMPACTS ARE FOREVER.!" A recent Supreme Court opinion issued by Justice Ginsberg says no longer will the federal government be responsible for tribal government mistakes in getting beat by business or state governments. The tribal council is sailing it's tribal ship forevermore and if they screw up, too bad! In addition, we, the Blackfeet allotted landowners were tossed from the tribal council meetings on the water compact by Chairman Old Person. I was pushed to the wall by tribal council security when I tried to bring up our unresolved forced fee patents cases of 1,200 Blackfeet trust land allotments robbed by Glacier County commissioners, county attorney, Blackfeet Agents, and border-whites who are the white ranchers and farmers who own grazing lands and irrigated farm lands covering 312,250 acres of prime reservation land and water rights. We have the winning hand in land claims and water compact negotiations but we never played it, instead being duped by state officials offer of $150 million dollars to be paid in 10 annual installments of $15 million to the tribal council. In the end it costs the state of Montana zero dollars for taking Blackfeet water for over a century because in 2013 the Montana Legislature set aside $150 million to draw interest to pay off the Blackfeet Tribe for a century of robbery of Blackfeet water rights in the Diversion of the St. Mary and Milk River to Canada and north central Montana farmers and towns. By contrast the Crow Tribe got $500 million for 6,000 acres of Crow land taken by the Reclamation Service to build Yellow Tail Dam in the 1950's. The Blackfeet Tribe was paid less than $10,000 for the diversion of St. Mary-Milk Rivers in 1904. Is that justice? More to the point, we, the Blackfeet landowners claims to recover our stolen allotted lands are extinguished forever by the water compact, therefore our claims to 1,200 allotments and water rights get nothing! In addition the valuable water rights of the remaining Blackfeet allotted lands cannot be developed without a "First Right of Refusal" to be offered to white men for any water marketing deal that we develop to sell bottled water to global water markets, a billion dollar giveaway. Chinese Government purchasers were in the tribal office a few years ago offering to purchase Blackfeet beef, water, oil, or any other product owned by Blackfeet Indians, and they called us their "relatives." White men murdered hundreds of Blackfeet landowners for fortunes made in the allotment period of 1919-1922 when Glacier and Pondera County incorporated county government on stolen Blackfeet allotments. That is "white-apartheid" on the reservation! Today the method of murdering Indians is defined as "Slow Death Measures" genocide by the United Nations whereby depriving people of the means of living and inducing poverty causes early deaths of victims. The past century of poverty of the Blackfeet Indians is the result of the forced patents robbery of the prime Blackfeet allotted lands, water rights, and the successful Blackfeet cattle industry. Chairman Old Person called us a "bureau problem" and refused to help us until 2001 when we forced him to sign tribal resolution 224-2001 which requested the return of all allotted lands and taxes to the Blackfeet landowners and Blackfeet Tribe. He refused to testify before Congress for our claims as directed by the tribal resolution passed in 2001,and our claims are not a part of the water negotiations although the compact reads that all past claims of tribal and allotted landowners are extinguished by the compact. Do the tribal council and chief Old Person see us Blackfeet Indians as important as saving the Badger-Two Medicine. What about saving our allotted land and water rights? Our people are slowly dying in tribal housing slums while the council lives in luxury on our money. The least they could do is to protect our land claims and water rights since we pay their huge salaries and travel vacations and they stab us in the back in the compact. Does anyone care that Babb and cabins on St. Mary Lake will be flooded as soon as the compact is approved? And, there will be state game wardens on St. Mary Lake to kick off the Indian recreation. I will not vote for the water compact because there is nothing for us to vote for except white rule over us and the end of our treaty rights,
Bob Juneau Sr.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


The assault by the Christian Churches on the Sun Religion of the Blackfoot Indians caused the border whites to view the Indians as savages and the United States Government to institute policies to stamp out Indian religion, language, dance, and religious ceremonies necessary to mental and spiritual health of the Indian people. Jesuit priests wrote the Indian religion was a mixture of pantheism and animism in which the Indians believed in evil spirits and labeled the Sun religion as a "superstition." The church joined with President Grant to form the "Peace Policy" in which the Indian children would be separated from their tribe and family, which the president hoped would "advance the metamorphosis of the savages." Special Agent Horatio L. Seward reported in 1890 that of the 1,811 genocide survivors out of tribal population of 7,800 in 1860 that "Perhaps 5% of these Indians are Roman Catholic and the others remain sun worshippers." The church and government schools policy is to beat the Indian out of the child and a white man will emerge from the human wreckage of the Peace Policy. Browning Public Schools have a drop-out rate of 50% that is a major factor in tribal poverty as only 8% go on to higher education after the beatings they take in public schools on the reservation. The Holy Family Mission on the Blackfeet Reservation had baptized 665 Indians, mostly children after being captured by the agency police and returned to the mission and by cutting food rations caused the Indian parents to relent on sending their children to the mission instead of starving. The Holy Family Mission and other church sects were given Blackfeet land to conduct schools and missionary work by the government. In 1881 Agent Young reported the Jesuit priest had run off with three Indian boys and had not put them in school and was living with them somewhere in Montana. There were hundreds of children sexually exploited by Catholic priests in Heart Butte and Browning but it took a century for the lawsuit to finally pay a few hundred dollars to the victims. These priests were on the reservation for 65 years and never charged with molesting girls & boys of their parish. As for tribal and allotted lands taken by the church and never returned the Holy Family Mission has been closed for 50 years but white men live there and own the property. I asked the Bureau of Catholic Missions to help us win our land claims but no! The monsignor merely said, "I will continue to try to understand the points of injustices and duplicity that has been the curse of the Blackfeet Nation." That is the extent of the mission since 1874. Justice is due the Indians. Bob Juneau Sr.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Resolution Number 224-2001 passed 15 years ago by the tribal council and signed by Chairman Old Person requests the return of all allotted Blackfeet lands taken under the "Forced Fee Patents Cases on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation" compiled by the Blackfeet Agency of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1982 as required by Congress per the twin bills titled "Ancient Indian Land Claims Settlement Act of 1982" which provide for the "retroactive validation" of Indian land transfers and "extinguishment" of Indian claims arising from transfers not previously approved either by Congress or the Executive Branch Officials. In 1982 we had a tribal delegation to Washington D.C. which met with the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on the Blackfeet allotted land claims and were successful in getting a senate approval to bring our claims to the committee on the requirement that we get a tribal council resolution requesting a senate investigation of hundreds of forced patents of Blackfeet allotments in 1919-1922 when Glacier and Pondera County Courts severed 1,200 Blackfeet original allotments for illegal tax and liens of white men. The BIA officials and Secretary of the Interior are defendants in Covelo Indian Community v. James Watt, Secretary of the Interior, for complicity [partners-in-crime] in the Blackfeet allotted land frauds. The local white men also robbed the successful Blackfeet cattle industry and a billion dollars worth of oil from allotted lands through county courts. None of these losses were part of the Cobell Case Settlement and that is why the Indian landowners got chump change for billions of dollars in losses since 1919; per land frauds of the Blackfeet land allotments. The void Patent-in-Fee lands of white men cover every township of the reservation and are exclusive white territory [white-apartheid] of white men since the Blackfeet were not allowed to vote in elections or hold public office in Montana. Now the door is being closed on our century old claims by the Blackfeet/Cree Glacier County Commissioners. Arthur Lazurus, an expert in Indian claims says, Many Supreme Court Decisions emphasized that "Legislative or executive branch "retroactive validation" of Indian land transfers should be preceded by a determination that "no fraud or imposition had been practiced upon the Indians from whom the deed was originally purchased." The Supreme Court also ruled that "Just and equitable title, not title obtained by fraud, may be retroactively validated" and that "A deed conveyed by an incompetent Indian would not be effective." My only hope left is the "new" tribal council help Blackfeet victims of ancient land frauds. We need a tribal delegation to Washington D.C. but I wonder why the tribal council never mentioned unresolved allotted land claims in the water compact? Bob Juneau, patriot