Thursday, June 25, 2015


In 1926 after the murders of 149 Blackfeet allotted landowners by Glacier County border-whites for their grazing and irrigated farm lands and the newly discovered oil fields, the Blackfeet Chiefs Wolf Plume and Young Man Chief were thrown in the agency jail when they attempted to board the train at Browning, so Robert Hamilton, tribal interpreter and lawyer brought the news of Indian genocide to the "Joint Commission of Congress to Investigate Indian Affairs." Bob Hamilton was the great Blackfeet lawyer who was the Blackfeet patriot who used his education to help his people, testifying in 1926 to Congress, "About 85% of the reservation population is in a most deplorable situation, the Indians have no more cattle or horses to sell, those who own horses to work have engaged themselves during the summer on the Blackfeet Irrigation Canals, where they could scarcely make a living owing to the fact they receive very small wages, and the proceeds of a days labor go to the support of their families, and feed for their horses, and get into debt at the commissary of the Federal Reclamation Service because of high prices. Therefore, it is a physical impossibility for many of the Indians to earn enough to lay abundant supplies in store for the winter when blizzards bring forty degree below zero weather for eight months with killing frosts and blizzards in July and August making farming impossible even for professional farmers to get a crop. The snow is so deep no one is able to haul firewood to sell, while Indian prisoners are kept busy sawing and cutting wood to keep the agency employees warm while the Indians freeze in log shacks. The post trader Joe Sherburne buys hay cheap in the summer while rations are cut so the Indians get into debt at the store, and their lands are foreclosed in Glacier County for taxes and liens of white men. There is no wild game or fish to be had and during the winters of 1913 and 1921 one hundred and forty nine Indians of all ages died from malnutrition related diseases caused by lack of food. Joe Sherburne has 313 Blackfeet trust land allotments while the Glacier County ranchers have over a thousand trust patents of 312,250 acres of prime reservation grazing and irrigated farm lands constructed with $942,000 of Blackfeet land cession funds for white ranchers and farmers." Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells, a Texan, denied all allegations of Blackfeet deaths and loss of trust property that has reached 529,000 acres, and the Glacier County white supremacists are coming back for our allotted water resources draining valuable drinking water right from under our feet. The town of Browning still has that seedy and neglected look as the modern day Blackfeet Indians die from generational poverty and malnutrition related diseases caused by genocides of our ancestors and usurpation of the reservation by white-apartheid Glacier and Pondera County Governments within the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The "dirty" people are the white supremacists in Glacier County and their allies Blackfeet/Cree county commissioners who let lie the dirty history of whites robbing Indians with the complicity of the U.S. Government. What good is Indian commissioners for white supremacy? I hope the tribal council is looking out for allotted landowners since the tribal council included us in the state-tribal water compact, in which we, the Blackfeet landowners, have to get the approval of white supremacists in Cut Bank, Valier, Conrad, and Choteau for bottled water marketing of our own water reserved in the treaty exclusively for the Blackfeet Indians on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Why!
I am part-owner of 1,000 acres of allotted trust land with a river running through it, call (406) 493-0894 for bottled water plants bottling pure, clean, fresh glacial waters from Glacier National Park!!
Bob Juneau Sr. 1145 34th street, apt. # 110, Missoula, Mt. 59801 E-Mail-blkft patriot @

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Blackfeet Indians are an "endangered species" of the human type

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is the federal agency manager of Blackfeet trust property of 1.3 million acres of the finest grazing lands in the northwest with water rights of 1 and 1/4th acre foot per acre on reserved Blackfeet allotted lands. The Indians are political and economic-apartheid prisoners of the western states "reservation/counties" and United States Congressmen, who are themselves political pawns of the National Cattlemen's Association and Farmers Union, who control the policy of Indian Affairs that frustrate Indian economic development to the benefit of their cattlemen and farmer constituents. The result of corruption in Congress and Indian Affairs is that the Blackfeet land claims have been held up in the Senate Indian Affairs Committee for a century, after robbery of a billion dollars worth of oil and 529,000 acres of prime Blackfeet grazing and farm lands robbed by border-whites. The Blackfeet Indians still own 1.3 million acres of land and water rights to groundwater and underground aquifers underlying the reservation which abuts Glacier Park with no pollution of reservation streams until they reach the white farmers pouring pesticides and fertilizers onto crops, and the topsoil is only one inch leaving the specter of dust storms without irrigation and fertilizers, but water is more valuable than crops or cattle or gold for that matter! In the 1896 Agreement/Article Five the Blackfeet Chiefs chose the grazing lands and water resources with which to rebuild the tribal economy in raising cattle which the whitemen have stolen along with the grass, and now it is our water they are in the process of stealing from under our feet, literally. The rule of capture is a law invented by oil companies to drain the oil from under the neighbors land without paying a lease, and it applies equally to water draining from the Indians property from the stolen lands in every township on the reservation owned by whitemen. Please, help us to organize our water rights to stop the water thefts from under our lands because we are so poor we cannot hire lawyers, economists, or hydrologists to inventory our water resources and put a value on our water products including bottled water plants to bottle our own water and market it to global water markets-China. Blackfeet allotted landowners own 1.3 million acres. I am part-owner of 1,000 acres with a river running through it.
Bob Juneau Sr. Phone Number (406) 493-0894, please call for information and negotiations.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Bob Juneau Sr. is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Tribe and landowner of trust [tax free] property on the Blackfeet Reservation, which property has a river running through it and water wells drilled at 60 feet depth with good water which we have drunk since forever. There are 1.3 million acres of Blackfeet allotted lands of 400 acres each owned by individual Blackfeet landowners. Water rights one and one-fourth acre foot allocated per acre foot by the Federal Bureau of Reclamation in 1908 for grazing or industrial uses. The Blackfeet Reservation has underground aquifers of fresh water undisturbed by oil wells or fertilizers and pesticides, the reservation has a million acres of original buffalo grasses that supported millions of buffalo until the 1880's genocides of buffalo and Indians. The majority of Blackfeet descendants of the original treaty Indians live in squalor and poverty in government housing slums on welfare payments with an estimated 80% tribal unemployment rate. But, these Indians own 1.3 million acres of fine grazing lands and well watered properties, but the federal government has no economic policy in place to allow Indian landowners into global water markets, and we, the Blackfeet landowners, cannot afford another century of tribal poverty. Therefore it is my plan to organize the 1.3 million acre feet of Blackfeet water resources into a tribal cooperative to market Blackfeet allotted water rights to groundwater and surface water resources for shared profits for owners of water resources under development by the joint-venture.
AREA OF DEVELOPMENT: 1.3 million acres of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation allotted lands and water rights to an estimated 2.6 million acre feet of quality drinking water owned by the Blackfeet Tribe and Blackfeet Trust Landowners.
Send inquiries to: Bob Juneau Sr. 1145 34th Street, Apt. #110, Missoula, Montana, 59801
Phone # 406-493-0894

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Federal sources of funding means "All direct federal funding and/or assistance received by the tribal government and federal institutions such as BIA and IHS. The Blackfeet $158 million in total federal expenditures rank second to the Flathead Tribes with $317 million. Enrollment is 6,970 for Flathead members to 15,640 for enrolled Blackfeet. The Blackfeet service population is 8,831 recipients while the Flathead service population is 4,584 recipients. The Blackfeet service population also includes Rocky Boy Crees and un-enrolled Blackfeet descendants who use Blackfeet tribal programs and IHS programs but are not counted as part of the federal service population which would bring Blackfeet total federal expenditures in line with Flathead at double the current $158 million to $316,000,000 million in total federal expenditures for the Blackfeet reservation. There would be more tribal and federal employment on the Blackfeet Reservation if the tribal government would update the current populations served by the Blackfeet Tribe and Federal programs and agencies. In contrast, the Flathead Tribes count the thousands of expatriate Blackfeet people who have left the reservation permanently and live on the Flathead reservation. Tribal politics and discrimination toward the Crees and un-enrolled Blackfeet Descendants is costing the Blackfeet Tribal Government $158 million in federal funds annually, while at the same time the Blackfeet Tribe, BIA and IHS serve these populations without federal compensation or recognition for no good reason, and which will lead to law suits by these neglected populations at some point in time if these services are withdrawn by the tribe. On the other hand, Glacier and Pondera Counties and the state of Montana get a free ride in reservation expenditures as all state and county funds for public schools, roads, TANF, food stamps, etc. are reimbursed to the county and state by the federal government. Border-whites "own" the reservation economy with hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from cattle, crops, tourism, and federal expenditures bring the gross reservation product to $850,000,000 for white people living on stolen allotted Blackfeet lands and profiting from oil & gas rights robbed from illiterate Blackfeet landowners in 1912-1922 during the allotment period, and that is how the white parasites live off of the welfare state of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation while the "owners" of the reservation, the Blackfeet Indians, live in squalor and poverty. This is white-apartheid on the Blackfeet Reservation. The whites are poised to capture the Blackfeet water resources unless we come up with a plan to market our billions of dollars in drinking quality water "owned" by current Blackfeet landowners. The Blackfeet Water Compact signed by chairman Old Person does not allow off-reservation water marketing unless we get the "permission" of white rednecks in valier and cut bank first, it is an atrocity upon the Blackfeet landowners who might have the brains to sell bottled water globally.
Vote no on the water compact until we get served first before white parasites on the reservation.
 Bob Juneau Sr.

Friday, June 12, 2015


Sneaky, really sneaky to pump the underground water from under your neighbors land! How did the white man get on the reservation? He stole the Blackfeet allottees lands with the help of the BIA. Now it is our groundwater resources that are in jeopardy because white landowners are awaiting the approval of the Blackfeet water compact to deplete reservation streams and pump the water out from under our feet while we look dumb and ignorant, because the BIA will not protect our water resources. It is the "rule of capture" that applies to groundwater pumping because the underground water aquifers migrates to the pump, so while we are sitting doing nothing the border-whites are pumping valuable bottled water that comes from under our allotments. These border-whites have already got away with stealing a billion dollars worth of oil, so it is nothing to them to steal our water too. The idea of selling water is nothing new to the Blackfeet Indians since Green Grass Bull, a Blackfeet entrepreneur hauled drinking water to the people in his horse and wagon in big barrels. He is the smartest Indian yet since our tribal council and the BIA are still sitting on their butts watching our water go down to Havre and the towns and farmers, but nothing for the Indians. Bottled water is the fastest growing product globally outselling Coca Cola and other sugar-drinks, which are mostly water. Profits of $5.4 billion from bottled water @ $7.50 per gallon for the highest quality drinking water marketed by Perrier. The profits of groundwater pumping will be enough to make everyone rich! The Cobell Case did not figure the future profits in the millions from every Blackfeet allotment from water marketing, so keep your tiny land interests instead of giving your land to the tribe for pennies. There is every possibility that corporations will locate bottled water plants on the Blackfeet Reservation bringing profits in the billions of dollars annually for Blackfeet landowners and the Blackfeet Tribe. I know of some Indian tribes who already have water bottling plants on their reservations that also bring hundreds of high paying jobs and royalties to landowners that will make them richer than oil or gold forever. As long as the rivers flow, as the treaties go, the Indians will be free of poverty and government cheese. Freshwater is scarce and becoming more valuable every day. Corporate interests are always seeking new sources of pure drinking water to meet global market demands. The numbers are in the billions of dollars as the price of groundwater rises with demand. The Blackfeet still have around 1.3 million acres of prime groundwater property adjacent to Glacier Park with glacial runoff from the park glaciers bringing the highest price for the highest bidders. I will be in Browning next week and hope to meet with tribal council members and landowners interested in learning more about how to market our billion-dollar groundwater resources, and to build a fire under the BIA superintendent to get our water on the global water markets so we, the Blackfeet landowners, can get rich instead of white parasites out north who belong down east of the reservation in MONTANA! Think how much $7,50 per gallon X 325,851 gallons per acre foot X 1.3 million acre feet! We is rich! We need a Blackfeet landowners coalition to push for our water rights to market our fresh, clean waters unpolluted since Napi gave it to us in back the day and Green Grass Bull showed us how to market our clean, pure, fresh water resources. I am a proud owner of underground water aquifers under my land if the white man don/t steal it from me first! Oh, they will!
 Bob Juneau Sr.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The 1896 Agreement was ratified by Congress June 10, 1896 (29 Stat. 355) reserving the entire reservation for the Blackfeet Indians, prohibiting state law on the reservation, and freeing the Indians from a history of attempted genocide by Montana border-whites campaigns of massacre, starvation of the tribe, small pox outbreaks, whiskey trade and destruction of tribal buffalo herds. The population of the Blackfeet Indians dropped from 7,800 in 1860 to just 1,811 Indians left alive in 1890 after 30 years of misery and deaths inflicted by border-whites for Indian land. The Indian wars were really massacres of helpless Blackfeet children, elders, women for $50 bounties paid for Indian scalps at Fort Benton, Montana Territory where drunken scalp dances were held in the local saloon, tossing bloody scalps of Indian women and babies accompanied by southern confederate rebel yells. The Blackfeet Agent recommended transfer of the agency away from Fort Benton due to border-whites killing and scalping the Indians who came to meet with their agent. By 1886 the Blackfeet Indians were starving and had to sign another land cession to the United States of 17 million acres for $1.5 million in cattle and equipment and rations to adapt to the "new buffalo"-cattle ranching. By 1893 the Blackfeet had survived the attempted genocides of Montana border-whites, and developed a tribal cattle industry of 25,000 cattle, 500 cattle ranchers, selling beef and hay to the agency, shipping steers to Chicago stockyards, freighting supplies from Fort Benton, building ranch homes, and small livestock to support the ranch economy. It was a great success! But once again envious border-whites coveted the rich buffalo grasses of the "big-grass country" of the Blackfeet reservation and got a bill in congress to break up the reservation into 3,600 individual land allotments owned by individual Indians who were illiterate in the English language, and who were cheated of their land in state courts off the reservation with the complicity of the Indian agents. The border-whites profit $850 million annually on the reservation lands while the Indians are left with welfare and poverty. Today the reservation is under attack once again by the Montana Legislature and the United States Government who envy the clean, pure waters of the reservation worth billions of dollars annually for bottled water plants and global water markets for a thirsty world. The stolen Blackfeet allotted lands, oil wells, water rights and 529,000 acres of reservation lands are in possession of a handful of border-whites operating without normal legal titles, in an underground reservation economy, which drains the Blackfeet economy to border-whites and the state of Montana. White-rule on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation is the "reservation/county" form of state government, a white-apartheid territory in America! White rule is communism on the reservation. Russian leader Putin who is dominating Ukraine has nothing on the state of Montana. I am a Blackfeet patriot who is still trying to bring justice to my grandma's robbed by whites after a century. We still have a million acres of ground water that is pure drinking water, but the border-whites are draining our water aquifers from underneath our feet while the United States Government holds us from leasing our water to off reservation corporations. Will any nation or just person help us? This will be our death for sure! I wonder if the World Bank or some United Nations Program could lease our water? Bob Juneau Sr.