Monday, October 12, 2015


ECONOMIC PARASITES are the border-whites who have moved onto the reservation and set up a colony of Emigrants from the States squatting on stolen Indian lands under supposed trust protection of the President of the United States. The "reservation/county" was "created" by the Montana Legislature in 1919 to enact Patent-in-Fee land titles to stolen Blackfeet Original Allotments severed in Glacier County Court. The Void Patent-in-Fee white landowners operate an illegal underground economy within exterior Blackfeet Reservation boundaries established by a treaty with the United States. Mrs. Mabel Monroe-Bond, a one half Blackfoot woman, who had her land robbed by the United States Indian Agent, and Joe Sherburne, who was the federally licensed merchant, banker, real estate, insurance, and grocer,at the Blackfeet Agency. Mrs. Monroe reported to Commissioner of Indian Affairs John Collier in 1934; "All of our money goes through his bank, and they are all linked up like a log chain-the agent, Joe Sherburne, Indian Office, Great Northern Railway, Swift & Armor, big-sheep companies and Texas Cattle Kings. They have built up a nice little "Tammany Hall" in Browning, Joe Sherburne now owns most of the land and the big-meat trust has the rest. The Blackfeet landowners who resisted signing fee patents were thrown in the agency jail and when called in by the agent were later framed in Glacier county court and many Indians were sent to the penitentiary or the state insane asylum. Legal guardians appointed by the county attorney signed the application for fee patents on behalf of the Indians. We were sorry to find out our agent was secretly prosecuting us when he was supposed to be our protector. I tried to hire a lawyer but I was told it was illegal to file suit, it was the first time I knew robbery could be "outlawed." The Five Year Plan of Agent Campbell is to starve us out, burn us out, kill us off, and now our good land is nearly gone. Where shall we go? Will there be a wholesale exodus of the Children of the Sun into the strange lands of the white man. I wish we had a chance to live. Not so long ago we were quite well off and contented. We had cattle, horses, livable homes, and one natural precious resource, our grass lands grew in abundance, bunch grass grew knee deep and made plenty of winter feed for our cattle herds. Wild hay and stock raising was our only economy but our agent is a political grafter and Joe Sherburne's political machine has ruined us." Today, Mrs. Monroe's heirs are dispossessed heirs to her original land allotment robbed by Joe Sherburne in 1921 and all hope is lost for justice today.
Bob Juneau Sr. author of "The Sacred Buffalo Vision" available on Amazon.Com  

Sunday, October 4, 2015


European nations ceded territory to the United States with the Disclaimers that the Indian land rights would be upheld as part of the land cessions. Chinese Government purchasers were in the Blackfeet Nation offering to buy any Blackfeet beef, oil, water, or any other product the people had to market but as usual the Montana border-whites had robbed the Indians in massive land frauds still sitting in Congress unresolved for a century. Removal of the civilized tribes from the South in the 1830's led to the infamous "Trail of Tears" that killed the Indians on the forced march to Indian Territory, and in the Indian Nation of Oklahoma the survivors were robbed of valuable oil rights worth billions of dollars. By 1860 the border-whites, who are parasites on the Indian lands for centuries, had killed and robbed the northern tribes of reservation lands and minerals worth billions of dollars which "Indian Money Damage Claims" are still sitting in Congress unresolved to restore 100 million acres on Indian reservations nationwide owned by 17,000 Indian land owners. Border-states are those states with Indian reservations whereby the State has violated Indian treaties and encroached on Indian land and set up "reservation/county" governments whose land base consists of stolen Indian lands and the border-whites void Patent-in-Fee lands, creating white-apartheid territories in America. Breaking economic-apartheid on Indian reservations nationwide must establish a system of clear property rights of the Indians where trust assets are documented and registered under the Federal Government. The Secretary of the Interior is a defendant in the Indian land frauds due to complicity in issuing Fee Patents on Indian Trust Property under federal trusteeship as a part of a larger criminal scheme to expose illiterate Indian wards of the government to speculators and state courts to sever Indian titles. The "reservation/county" operates extralegally in an underground economy on the reservation without any normal legal title that drains Indian wealth to the border-whites and keeps the Indians poor. United States Congressmen from the western states have passed a law in Congress that forces Indian landowners and water rights into state courts for determination of the amount and use of Indian water resources. The Farmers Union and National Cattlemen's Association are white supremacist organizations that call for the end of Indian treaty rights and lobby Congress to gain legal title to the aforementioned void Patent-in-Fee lands on Indian reservations robbed from the Indian wards of the United States Government. Please China, do not purchase any Montana beef products, wheat, or any other product that is grown on stolen Indian lands in western states. Please, European Nations, call the United States Government to account for the century old Indian land claims, even as Secretary of State Kerry travels the world blaring about the liberty and freedom for the oppressed of the world, all the while oppressing the Indian people in the United States. Is is wrong to ignore the human rights abuses in America, and let white-supremacists keep stolen Indian lands with impunity!
Bob Juneau Sr. author of "The Sacred Buffalo Vision"Indian genocide- available on Amazon.Com.