Sunday, April 30, 2017


The tribal council is "promised" $471 million but no money is appropriated by Congress to pay the cash to the tribe. It means the tribe will have to hire a lobbyist to chase the money like the promises made to tribal voters at election time by tribal politicians. Blackfeet members get nothing-no per capita payments-no money to purchase cattle or fix up their homes-no money period! The money is for tribal projects that will hire relatives of council members and spent until it is gone. It is the end of all allotted land claims that date back to the murders of hundreds of original Blackfeet allottees who were starved to death by the BIA-Secretary of the Interior-Glacier and Pondera counties-white ranchers-and Blackfeet co-conspirators. It is a new day in Blackfoot country, the reservation is opened to white settlement and state law on the stolen Blackfoot allotments and the guilty parties now own "forever" the forged Blackfeet land titles taken in state courts from our relatives. I had two great-grandmothers who lost their original allotments to Joe Sherburne as well as other Blackfeet who lost their inheritances to the white robbers. What is left for the trust landowners? 897,000 acres of allotted lands still owned by tribal members but in jeopardy if the tribal council has any say in the leasing of allotted lands. What I mean is the current land swindles going on by the BIA and tribal council who are "colluding" with third-party Blackfeet leasers who lease our allotted lands for $5 per acre and pocket thousands of dollars paid by white ranchers for sub-leasing allotted lands and profit $67,000,000 by fattening their cattle on our grass and collect another $7,000,000 in federal subsidies from the Agriculture Dept. for not farming our lands. All of that money should go to the allotted landowners including owning the cattle that graze on our property. It is a treaty right in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five that Blackfeet ranchers have the right to graze their cattle on the reserved grazing lands of the Blackfeet Tribe. Chief White Calf got this provision in the agreement because he told the Secretary of the Interior the government had turned the reservation into "a white man's cow pasture." Now it is the tribal council that has turned our reservation into a big crime scene of stealing our grass and pocketing our money. That is why they want to fix up the water systems to serve the white man and themselves and make millions off of our water and grass. Trust landowners organization and mobilization is covered in the Indian Reorganization Act which was supposed to "cut out the middleman" meaning the white man and limit the reservation grazing and livestock to the Blackfeet Indians. We have to organize fast or we will get left behind again and the poverty will continue until we cannot get back on our feet. Tribal mobilization means that we, the trust landowners, must organize ourselves and develop cooperatives to force political actions that benefit ourselves instead of tribal council crooks. The Blackfeet Trust Landowners Association would run our own candidates for the tribal council and lobby the federal government to provide us with experts in business development and to formulate plans for the trust landowners to capture the profits that the tribal council, third-party leasers and white ranchers steal from us each year by fattening their cattle on our land. The rule of thumb for water quantification for grazing lands is one-acre foot of water for each acre of land owned by the landowners. That means we, the trust landowners, "own" 987,000 acre feet of water rights under the water compact as a minimum. You can see we are going to have a legal battle with the tribal council who claims all of the waters flowing on the reservation leaving us no water. I have requested a policy change in the Blackfeet Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs from the social welfare types to natural resource economists, business planners, loan experts, and corporate purchasers of allotted water products such as bottled water and beverages produced in a plant facility owned by the Blackfeet Trust Landowners who own the water, and for construction of bottled water plants located on the reservation to bring high wage jobs for the families of trust landowners and profits to the owners of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The first thing to do is to request that the Secretary of the Interior Rian Zinke to investigate the collusion between the tribal council, BIA and white ranchers who defraud us of our proper lease payments stolen the by cartel at the tribal office. We are still owed just compensation for our losses whether the payment comes from the water compact or the Congress. It would be good if the tribal council communists would meet with trust landowners to see what they desire for the development of the allotted lands, but they have the money now!! I talked with Bob Gervais and Leland Thomas, who both lost their inheritances in the forced patents cases and others who did not realize they were "extinguishing, forever" their family land claims by voting for the water compact approval. Let us get together and organize ourselves, soon! We can run our own candidates for the next tribal council election and take five seats, a quorum!
Bob Juneau Sr. trust landowner

Saturday, April 22, 2017


The "Science March" on Washington D.C. at least shows the American people know who to fight and who is ruining our environment-the perpetrators live in the WHITE HOUSE AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS OWNED BY CORPORATE MONEY. President Lincoln foretold the disruption corporations would bring on the people by bribing politicians who in turn incite race hatred in order to divide the people and enrich themselves upon the bounty of the Earth. The Native cultures opposed the wholesale destruction of the environment upon which we live and thrive as a human species. The habitat of the animals and sea creatures is seen as a critical environment for both human and animals to co-exist. Science tells us that soon, we the humans, will be the only original species left on the Earth; we will be alone on planet Earth and then we, the humans, will disappear in world wars and mass starvation as society breaks down to human cannibalism. Christian Theology tells us in Revelation that the destroyer, the angel from hell, Abbaddon, is coming to take the evil ones who are destroying the Earth to the bottomless pit-Hell. Indian "science" tells us the Earth is a living being with powers to protect itself from destruction and the weather and floods are to carry away the poisons of the planet to the underground fires to purify the environment and clean the water upon which we all depend for life. The power to save our planet is clearly in the hands of the people. The powers of the corporate-congress political-mercantile system can be destroyed in one election cycle. Throw the bastards out, they are non-human and have forfeited the respect of their fellows and violated the commandment-Thou Shalt Not Kill. The Koch brothers have already funded the next election cycle of Congress and politicians are slavishly awaiting their orders from on high-King George is back in America! Serfdom can take many forms and corporate powers work as efficiently as the Monarchy of King George in taxing the colonists as it does in bribing our politicians. The corporate lobby despises science, culture, patriotism, and activism that gets in the way of making money for themselves of which politicians get pennies of the riches, living in the capital to be handy for corporate errands. Former Montana senators and governors live in Washington D.C. rewarded for selling out state resources to corporate interests. Montana has been economically and politically exploited since the first corporate giant, the properly named "Anaconda Company" rooted up copper deposits making billions for European bankers and corporate raiders and they bought the Montana legislature and owned all newspapers in Montana. The rivers downstream from the copper mines have arsenic and other pollutants and the biggest environmental damage site in the United States in the lake of poisons left today that threaten the whole western Montana watersheds. Libby is a town in western Montana that was poisoned by the Grace Corporation and over 300 Libby town people have died from asbestos poisoning from the dumps of poison leftover from manufacturing. The company mixed the toxic waste with dirt and "donated" the landfill to build lawns, roads and a track field for high school athletic events thereby spreading the poisons all over town. The state legislature and governor opposed help for Libby residents to acquire Environmental Protection Agency funds to clean up Libby. The Navajo Indian people were poisoned by Uranium waste left over from mines on their lands from leases approved by the Department of the Interior. The company built cement pods for Navajo Homes foundations on which the people live in  the vast lands of the reservation, but mixed toxic wastes into the cement and Navajos are dying generationally from cancers caused by Uranium wastes and respiratory diseases in the coal fired plants. Vietnam Veterans did not escape corporate poisons dumped on them by American corporations in the Vietnam War that sprayed "Agent Orange" defoliant on jungles and the American military bases poisoning American soldiers. I am a "Agent Orange" Vietnam Veteran with respiratory problems and diseases directly related to Agent Orange and my sons and grandchildren have health problems related to the spraying of Agent Orange in Vietnam. President Bush reduced funding for veterans by $800 million and raised the bar for veterans claims that is so high it makes you want to commit suicide. I get $400 per month for Agent Orange poisoning I was exposed to in Vietnam, but my children and grandchildren for 10,000 years will suffer health problems because I served in an unjust war and I see our young Iraq War veterans at the clinics and know they will never get the medical help they need from corporate America because the guilt is squarely leading back to the corporate control of congress and the executive branch. Gulf War veterans suffer diseases from pollutants and chemicals dumped on them and still get no help from the Congress. My son served in that war and he is trying to get help for his health and mental problems for his service but it is a long and depressing process to get help thanks to chicken-hawks like President George Bush and his phony tough vice-president Cheney who had deferments and neither served in the Vietnam War. Cheney got his company Halliburton no-bid contracts to supply the American military to enrich himself on the blood of American veterans. President Trump did not serve either nor did many other rich kids, but the poor Americans fought the war and got sick and diseased from it. Now, today, the possibility of nuclear war is on the table! President Trump is clearly expressing his corporate state in his cabinet selections declaring war on Americans and our environment. The Blackfeet tribal politicians have taken a bribe to "extinguish all past, present and future land claims of allotted lands and tribal lands, forever!" The money will never be paid and the reservation is now open to corporate rape of tribal and allotted lands and water resources. Blackfeet citizens cannot control their politicians any better than American citizens can control the corporate-congress political-mercantile system. We all go together, our history of exploitation and denial of human rights is the same history awaiting all Americans if we remain helpless under crooked politicians and corporate rule. The Koch brothers have their war chest and purchased Congress and the President. Russian President Putin has sowed the divisions he knows exists among the classes of Americans and Trump got elected by exacerbating race relations in America just as President Lincoln predicted the next threat to the preservation of the United States. We don't have the north and south fighting over preserving the union, we have the rich one-percent controlling national government and corporations economically enslaving the American people. The minimum wage fits the definition of "Slow-Death Measures Genocide" adopted by the United Nations as depriving a people of the supplies and opportunity of others in the territory concerned by looting and deprivation of the means of self-support. It kills "slowly" and is not an open warfare that would be noticed until the people are in the chains of poverty helpless against the corporate state. That is why Republicans fight against helping veterans and the impoverished, there is no money in it and it forces them to admit their devils deal with the money. Ben Franklin said, "nothing but money is sweeter than honey." We all need cash to live in this economy or we die slowly in the darkness.
Bob Juneau, Blackfeet Patriot and Agent Orange Vietnam Veteran, suffering corporate poisoning.
Read the history of corporate rape of the Blackfeet Tribe in "The Sacred Buffalo Vision" available on Amazon.Com. it may warn you of the immediate future facing all Americans in corporate rape of the United States and therefore the world because if America falls, the world will follow, we are the last, best hope for the human race and the planet Earth.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


There is no $425,000,000 sitting in Congress for the Blackfeet water compact settlement for selling our water to the state of Montana and the United States Government and for cancelling legitimate Blackfeet allotted land claims settlement of $1.6 billion for robbing 805 individual Blackfeet land allotments and stealing a billion dollars worth of Blackfeet oil reserves. There is no water marketing of allotted or tribal water to global water markets for 25 years by which time the underground water aquifers will be drained from under the Blackfeet allotted and tribal lands by white patent-in-Fee landowners and the state of Montana. It is stupid to believe white people who have robbed and murdered hundreds of our relatives during the allotment period, 1913-1922, for their allotted lands and oil wells, that they would be fair in the treatment of our ignorant tribal council and our free NARF attorney who screamed at us landowners in the water compact meeting, "You people don't own any water rights!" and the man from the BIA yelled at us, "We didn't steal your lands neither!" and chairman Old Person nodded his head and tossed me out of the meeting by his giant security guard. The state of Montana legislators laughed at Earl Old Person's statement that he was waiting for a state travel check to come to Helena to sign the compact and that he was bringing his "one man tribal water department." It was really shameful that such a man was in charge of our future use of water and the compact gives away all of our treaty rights to water our allotted lands. In addition the tribal council agreed to give a "first right of refusal" for the border-whites to take over any water development deals the tribe makes with outside water developers which means the developers will just go around the tribe and drill our water and drain it from under our feet like they did with the billion dollars worth of oil they stole. When you purchase a bottle of water in Town Pump it will not have a Blackfeet trademark on it, the white people have already stole that from us in the water compact. The big water projects will only benefit the tribal council and their families and the third-party Blackfeet who lease tribal and allotted lands for $5 per acre and sub-lease your land for $270 per acre and pocket the money they made on your land and the white man profits $67,000,000 every year by grazing his cattle on our land! When the tribal council looks at tribal members they see an army of low-wage workers they can use to get more money to raise their salaries and to exploit their allotted lands by using the Cobell case to get a foothold in family lands and bundle your family allotment with a 6,000 acre tribal grazing unit and take all the money from leasing it to white ranchers through their third party criminal accomplices. It is a federal felony to steal from tribal or allotted lands or treaty Indians and the Justice Department is charged with prosecuting crimes against Indians. What crimes will come out of the water compact? The tribal council already cancelled our forced patents claims and gave away our water rights to border-whites living on stolen Blackfeet allotted lands in white apartheid territory called Glacier and Pondera counties.  We will not "own" our water rights but will have to go to the tribal council for water permits. There are so many bad things in the water compact you may wonder if chief Old Person was blackmailed into signing it, but what excuse does chairman Barnes have for being so dumb? He was selling hammers when elected as a "businessman." Oh! I see he was a big time hammer seller. The water compact is his "baby."
Please vote no on the water compact. Our grandchildren will curse us for believing the council's lies.
Bob Juneau, Blackfeet trust landowner

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Mobilization of tribal voters in curtailing the powers of the tribal council involves political action and organization by the people in forcing a vote on tribal constitution 'separation-of-powers' clause. The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council is denying the people a chance to vote on constitutional change and the Bureau of Indian Affairs refuses to use its trust responsibility to schedule a tribal referendum vote. That is political resistance to the massive public support of tribal members for constitutional change in the operations of tribal government and in district voting reserved to voters who live in the district, and the election of tribal judges who will have the independence to prosecute tribal council crooks. The resistance of tribal politicians and the BIA is "suspicious." In 1950 the BIA was worried that the peculations [embezzlements] of tribal council members would imperil federal officials if and when tribal assets were stolen by the council and tribal members sued the federal government for their failure to use their trust responsibility to curtail council corruption. The F.B.I. claimed it did not have jurisdiction to investigate tribal council officials. In the 1970's a very serious investigation by the Department of Labor commenced in the regional office in Denver focusing on millions of federal dollars missing and unaccounted for in federal audits of the job training funds administered by the tribal council. It was found that councilman Jim Baker was the mastermind of the criminal operation and was forcing the tribal elders in the Green Thumb program to sew the shredded tribal manpower checks into pillow cases making our elders accessories to the crimes so they would not rat out the "Baker bunch" as the gang was called by locals. I found out and alerted the F.B.I. and they raided the program and found the checks and it was all over for Mr. Baker and the tribal council who were hauled into federal court for robbing $3.2 million of federal funds. It looked bad for the tribal council, but Chairman Old Person testified in federal court that it was the way the council did business and he told the judge the tribe would pay back the missing millions of dollars. The judge told chairman Old Person that he pitied the people under his leadership and dismissed the case. In the later years the tribal council robbed the COPS program of $8,000,000 and the tribe paid the money back to the Justice Department. The Forensic Audit found corruption in nearly every tribal government program, graft is a second income for the council. It's not just losing millions of dollars either! The tribal council protects their relatives from their crimes in tribal court and it is known that chief Old Person is a serial rapist of poor Indian women for tribal checks they need to pay light bills or to feed their children and he committed incest that is not prosecuted in tribal court. Chairman Old Person's nephew was convicted in federal court for raping an infant and Chairman Old Person wrote the judge requesting leniency for his nephew. I think he is blackmailed by the BIA and white men to approve the water compact and leave out tribal members. How would we ever know about any tribal council corruption unless we break up the tribal council dictatorship? How would we ever know what they do with $425 million in the water compact? We need to know about our cash money and what is being done with it and who is taking it. Ben Franklin said, "Nothing but honey is sweeter than money" and then he robbed the Indians. The people lack the money to buy the food to feed their children. There is plenty of food in the tribal store but we have no money to purchase it. The Blackfeet Indians had plenty of money before the tribal council was forced upon us due to the success of the Blackfeet cattle industry of 500 ranchers, 25,000 cattle, and cash for all needful things. The tribal council and BIA steal our lease money too! Chief White Calf told the people the only way to handle money is to keep it in the public view at all times but we have never gotten a financial report from the council required by the constitution. I think we need a tribal 'constitutional change march' on the tribal office and BIA headquarters and get the news and internet interested in a third-world communist tribal dictatorship on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation that is politically  supported by the United States Government-the Bureau of Indian Affairs-President Trump-Blackfeet tribal business council. We are an oppressed people! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached, "I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits."  Oppressed Indians march for justice too!Bob Juneau Sr.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


The tribal council ambushes trust landowners and heirs of stolen Blackfeet land allotments by the water compact "extinguishing all past, present, and future" Blackfeet allotted and tribal land claims, "forever!" Does it mean there is no longer any trust responsibility for the federal government in the protection of Blackfeet allotted landowners and water rights in the future? The water compact also subordinates the superior allotted water rights vested to individual Blackfeet trust landowners to a tribal-federal-state water board that will determine individual allottee water rights. Blackfeet cattle ranchers treaty right to graze their cattle on tribal reserved grazing lands is also extinguished in the water compact as is their water rights to reservation streams and reservoirs which are leased to white cattle ranchers for $5 per acre. The white cattle ranchers "fatten" their cattle on the reservation for $5 per acre which produces $67,000,000 in profits for white livestock owners and practically zero dollars for Blackfeet allotted landowners and tribal grazing lands which cash goes to third-party Blackfeet leasers who sub-lease tribal and allotted lands to white ranchers. That is collusion-"An agreement between two or more persons to defraud a person of his rights by the forms of law, or to obtain an object forbidden by law. It implies the existence of fraud of some kind, the employment of fraudulent means or of unlawful means for the accomplishment of an unlawful purpose. A secret combination, conspiracy, or concert of action between two or more persons for fraudulent or deceitful purpose." The water compact not only extinguishes lawful claims of hundreds of Blackfeet original allottees robbed by white men but also bars legal action for the heirs of original allottees to pursue their family land claims. For instance, in 1928 Chief Wolf Plume and Robert Hamilton petitioned the Senate Indian Committee to investigate the forced patents land frauds of the Blackfeet allottees. Senator Wheeler of Montana informed the Blackfeet Indians in Browning on October 8, 1928 of investigations to be conducted by the Senate Sub-Committee on Indian Affairs on the conditions of Indians in the United States. The Great Falls Tribune article said, "Indians from every part of the Blackfeet reservation gathered here to confer with United States Senator B.K. Wheeler and to assure him of support of the Blackfeet Tribe. Senator Wheeler reported, "Many cases have been brought to my attention which reveal wholesale frauds and gross injustices in the handling of Indian property. It is established beyond all reasonable doubt that the Indian Bureau has neglected the health of its Indian wards until the death rate is abnormally high and rapidly growing higher. I happen to be a member of the subcommittee of the senate Indian affairs committee which is now conducting a nationwide survey of conditions of Indians in the United States. An investigator has been in Montana for several months and a hearing will be held as soon as possible." Blackfeet Agency superintendent Forrest R. Stone wrote Commissioner of Indian Affairs Charles E. Burke to give him a warning on the senate investigation of the Blackfeet Agency handling of Blackfeet allotted lands, "I do not know of course what the ultimate purpose of the Senate Investigating Committee is. The investigator that the senator referred to is doubtless Mr. Walter W. Liggett who came to our reservation in the early part of August and spent three weeks with Robert Hamilton and his particular faction [Chief Wolf Plume]. The Indian Office will realize that Mr. Liggett's position as representative of the United States Senate entitled him to pretty near all information that he desired from our office. Senator Wheeler spoke at Browning last night and he mentioned in his address that the Indians had been denied the privilege of presenting their claims before the Senate, and he also highly commended the efforts of Robert Hamilton in behalf of the Blackfeet Indians." Senate Investigator Walter W. Liggett's report was headlined, "INDIANS DEFRAUDED BY DELIBERATE CONSPIRACY!".
In Washington D.C. above the National Archives Building is the inscription, "Past is Prologue" which is a reminder that if we do not remember our past, it will repeat itself. In 2006 we requested the records of the hundreds of forced patents from the Blackfeet Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs and were told the BIA "does not have a list of Forced Fee Patents per your request. The Agency has on file in the original allotment folders, copies of fee patents for individuals completed at their own request, but the Agency has no records of Forced Fee Patents or information as to what would be defined as a Forced Fee Patent." A very short time later a Bureau of Indian Affairs employee came to my house and handed me a copy of a document that was entitled "Forced Fee Patents Cases on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation" which we published and gave copies to chairman Old Person and the tribal council. BIA superintendent Stephen W. Pollock offered to provide the tribal council with copies of original allotment folders 1-3497 of Blackfeet allottees for the fee of $6,591.93 for copying expenses, a great opportunity for all tribal members to get copies of their family allotted lands records history. These allotted land records would have been stored at the tribal office under the tribal government and provided the legal basis for individual Blackfeet Heirs of the original allottees to regain their trust land titles forged by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, white men and Glacier and Pondera county attorneys during 1918-1922. But, collusion between the tribal council and BIA stopped us from getting the information to pursue our allotted land claims, and now in the water compact all of the allotted land claims are extinguished, forever." And, that's all I have to say about the water compact and collusion between tribal, state and federal governments to extinguish our allotted claims. Vote no on the water compact, it is an ambush of Blackfeet trust landowners and Blackfeet forced patent claimants. There is no "guarantee" in the water compact for $470 million-it is a bum check from the government. We were promised our allotted land titles restored, the void patent-in-fee landowners removed from the reservation and $1.6 billion in just compensation. The senate lawyer told us Congress has a Indian claims fund to compensate the Indians and to remove the void patent-in-fee landowners by paying the white men market value for their land and improvements so nobody would be hurt by the restoration of Blackfeet allotted lands. There is the solution to the land and water rights claims-we own all of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation including all waters. If we go to state court the United States Government will represent us as in U.S. v. Glacier County.
Bob Juneau Sr. Blackfeet patriot

Saturday, April 8, 2017


No money is set aside in Congress to pay the Blackfeet for approving the water compact, call it off, call the cops, congress lied to the chiefs! Jeanne Whiting is the same NARF attorney who screamed at Blackfeet trust landowners, "You people don't own any water rights!" and the BIA man stood up and said, "We didn't steal your land and there is no such thing as forced patents!". There is also no money in the water compact for the Blackfeet trust landowners or cattle ranchers who still own 987,000 acres of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Chief Rides-At-The-Door told the senators, "The Indians own the reservation by the allotment act." He was right! In 1944 Judge Pray ruled in U.S. v. Glacier County that, "The lands of the Blackfeet Indians situated on the Blackfeet Reservation were to be held by the United States under TRUST PATENTS in favor of the Indians for the period of 25 years and were to be free of taxation during that period. It appears that within two years after the issuance of these trust patents the government, under a statute hereinafter referred to, issued patents in fee to the [Blackfeet] Indians without any application therefore by the Indians and without their consent. Thereafter the [Blackfeet] lands were listed for taxation in Glacier County and the Indian owners were required to pay taxes. Some of the Indians defaulted [1,417 Blackfeet landowners] in the payment of taxes and later the county obtained tax titles to their lands. Why the patents in fee were issued in such numbers and under such circumstances within two years of the trust period had expired does not clearly appear. The government contends that upon the issuance of the trust patents the [Blackfeet] Indians acquired vested property rights to tax free lands for the period of the trust which could not be destroyed or impaired under the foregoing state of facts in any improvident or unauthorized manner and the government is entitled to reimbursement on behalf of the Indians for the taxes collected. It is quite evident from the citations contained in complainants brief that the lands in question were to be held for the Indians during that period and that such period might be extended in the discretion of the president; and that any deed or contract for the conveyance of these lands would be "ABSOLUTELY NULL AND VOID"!!! It was therefore well said by the Attorney General of the United States, in an opinion delivered in 1888, "That the allotment lands provided for in the Act of 1887 are exempt from state or territorial taxation upon the grounds above stated, namely, that the lands covered by this act are held by the United States for the period of 25 years in trust for the Indians, such trust being an agency for the exercise of a federal power, and therefore outside the province of state or territorial authority. Such exemption will be found in Sec. 4 of the Enabling Act, State of Montana, of Feb. 22, 1889, and the state constitution carries a like provision-"No authority exists for the state to tax lands which are held in trust by the United States for the purposes of carrying out its policy in reference to these Indians."
The early settlers in Montana came from Confederate states and they commenced to murder the Blackfeet people to force land cessions. From 1863 to 1881 these confederates murdered thousands of Blackfeet people, killed off tribal buffalo herds and caused tribal starvation so that Blackfeet populations dropped from 7,800 in 1863 to just 1,811 Blackfeet people left alive by 1890, a campaign of Blackfeet genocide that we chronicled in "The Sacred Buffalo Vision" a history book of the Blackfeet Tribe available on Amazon.Com. We traced the whole history of border-whites robbing and murdering the Blackfeet Indians for land, gold, oil, and now our water resources. We die at age of 50 years while white people live on average to the age of 70 years. This is called "Slow-Death" genocide by the United Nations whereby a people are targeted by a more powerful nation and their property is looted and they are denied the same privileges and rights available to others in the territory concerned and they die "slowly" from hunger, diseases, malnutrition, and poverty, with no jobs or economic opportunity and their rights usurped by the more politically powerful people. Indian Health Service doctors told me our children are suffering a juvenile diabetes epidemic due to a lack of proper nutrition-our children do not get three good meals per day, proper shelter, or a good education in public schools. The doctors said the children are losing their permanent teeth which will lead to heart disease, cancers, and kidney disease which will require kidney  transplants by age of twenty. Meanwhile the tribal council has raised their salaries above $100,000 each costing us $900,000 annually in addition to millions of dollars in travel and $4.2 million for their four year terms of office. The reform of the tribal constitution is coming up in the tribal referendum vote soon, and what will happen to the water compact if we approve it before we actually know what is in it or what the consequences of the change in tribal council organization and separation of powers? In any case Congress is controlled by republicans who will never fund $425 million to the Blackfeet Tribe. President Trump is a real Indian-hater since tribal casinos beat his casinos causing him $18 million in debts and he hates tribal sovereignty and will veto the water compact. Our claims for the return of 1,417 Blackfeet allotments with $600 million in just compensation and the tribal claims for robbery of a billion dollars worth of oil brings tribal and allotted claims to $1.6 billion, quite a bit more money than the water compact promises in which we give our stolen allotted lands to the white racists in Glacier County who murdered and robbed hundreds of our relatives during 1918-1922. Congress has an Indian Claims Fund already set aside to pay off tribal and allotted land claims as we were told by the senate lawyer when we won our forced patents land claims and oil claims in 1983, but once again chairman Old Person vetoed our claims. That is an interesting question. Why is Earl Old Person always on the side of white men and state of Montana? It also brings up the question why President Trump will not criticize Russian President Putin. We now know Earl is guilty of incest and serial rapes of Indian women at the tribal office and is blackmailed by the BIA and white men. It is not unusual for powerful politicians to be blackmailed, it is rumored President Trump is blackmailed by Putin for "pee tapes" of Trump with Russian prostitutes. That rumor was on national television! Chairman Barnes and the tribal council only see the money for themselves to get richer on our poverty and helplessness. Whatever would they do with $425 million? The money for the forced patents will go the tribal members and to get our cattle ranchers back on their feet so we can feed ourselves and get lease payments for our allotted grazing lands in the amount of $67,000,000 that white ranchers take from the reservation. We want our land back! And our lost revenues before we give away more tribal water and lands to the white man. Vote no on the compact! It is evil and dirty.
Bob Juneau Sr.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


July 1, 1931 the Blackfeet Tribal Council led by Chief Wolf Plume and Robert Hamilton requested the Secretary of the Interior for a correct survey of the western boundary of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation between Glacier National Park and the Lewis & Clark National Forest containing 43,020 acres of tribal lands which would be part of the Blackfeet Reservation had a correct survey of the western reservation boundary been completed as follows according to the agreement between the United States and the Blackfeet Tribe ratified by Congress on June 10, 1896 (29 Stat. L. 354). The correct survey is as follows: "Beginning at a point on the northern boundary of the reservation due north of the summit of Chief Mountain; and running thence south to said summit; thence in a straight line to the most northeasterly point of Flat Top Crag; thence to the most westerly of the mouths of Divide Creek; thence up said Creek to a point where a line drawn from the said northeasterly point of Flat Top Crag to the summit of Divide Mountain intersecting Divide Creek; thence in a straight line to the western extremity of the lower Two Medicine Lake; thence in a straight line to a point on the southern line of the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company four miles west of the western end of the railway bridge across the North Fork of the Two Medicine River; thence in a direct line to Heart Butte Mountain; and thence due south to the southern boundary line of the present reservation." This is another tribal land claim that will be "extinguished, forever" in the water compact should the Blackfeet voters approve it without any knowledge of what is in it or how it will affect the Blackfeet Indians. Chairman Barnes confessed publicly he didn't read or understand the most important document ever presented to the Blackfeet people. The short, fat lady NARF lawyer yelled at us in the water compact meeting, "YOU PEOPLE DON'T OWN ANY WATER RIGHTS!"
Do we really want to trust these people to protect our landowners or water rights? If we go to state court our federal trustee, the Secretary of the Interior and Attorney General have to sue themselves on behalf of the government wards-that is us trust landowners. I want to be a treaty Indian and protect my trust lands. I want to stay "under the blanket" of federal trust responsibility established by the 1896 Agreement because the white people are hiding in the weeds awaiting to take over our reservation as soon as the water compact is approved. Bob Juneau Sr. Vote No on the water compact!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


In 1979 the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, Forrest Gerard, under the Secretary of the Interior testified to the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs that, "The United States Government was complicit-[guilty of Indian land fraud crimes as principal or as accessory before the fact]-in the 17,000 forced fee patents land frauds of individual Indian trust landowners across Indian reservations in the United States. Forrest Gerard told the senators "The United States Government would have to sue itself on behalf of its Indian wards" to recover the trust land titles of 17,000 Indians. His sworn testimony caused a panic among states, corporations, white men, and tribal council members guilty of land frauds on Indian reservations, including chairman Old Person and the Blackfeet tribal council who are defendants in the class-action lawsuit in 1982 that included 605 Blackfeet forced fee patents which are forgeries of trust land titles by the officers of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Glacier and Pondera county attorneys; Secretarial Sales of Deceased Blackfeet allotted lands, and Old Age Assistance claims whereby Glacier and Pondera county attorneys forced elderly Blackfeet landowners to sell their allotted lands to white men as a prerequisite to receiving welfare assistance. In addition to all of these Blackfeet allotted land frauds the Rocky Boy Cree refugees from Canada were given 101 land allotments of 80 acres each of Blackfeet land over the protests of the Blackfeet chiefs. Most of the Rocky Boy allotments were stolen by white traders, Great Northern Railway and Joe Sherburne agency trader and Glacier county for taxes and liens in county courts. In 1980 I was director of the Blackfeet Natural Resources Department and I was asked by the Blackfeet Honorary Council "to help the people with their land problems" which turned out to be the allotted land frauds. The elders had unique knowledge of treaty issues left unresolved for a century and asked me to prepare a Blackfeet claim for the 352,250 acres robbed by white men. The Blackfeet elders showed us the boundary violations of Glacier Park and Lewis & Clark National Forest whereby 43,000 acres of reservation lands were taken in a boundary survey error in 1897 containing timber and oil & gas and water rights. The eastern boundary of the reservation is east of Cut Bank at Ethridge as it was moved westward when the oil fields were discovered. The southern reservation boundary was moved by the border-whites in Valier and Conrad when they changed the Birch Creek drainage by damming the river at its source into another channel taking all of the waters of Birch Creek. Chairman Old Person ordered me to stop investigating the Bureau of Indian Affairs and I was fired by the tribal council when I refused to stop the forced patents investigations. The man who stopped the Blackfeet claims in 1980 was chairman Old Person who told the senators the Blackfeet did not want to pursue their claims. The man who "extinguished" the Blackfeet claims in the water compact is Chairman Old Person. If we vote to approve the water compact all of our claims are "extinguished, forever!" The forced patents and water compact is the biggest Indian land and water rights swindle in the United States. That is all I have to say about the forced patents forgeries and water compact swindles. Please no on the water compact, it is a human rights violation of thousands of Blackfeet trust landowners.  Bob Juneau Sr.

Monday, April 3, 2017


The price of water is rising every day across the global water markets as drought and climate change cause water shortages for cities and nations. Meanwhile, the tribal council approved a water compact that prohibits us trust landowners from marketing our water rights to nearly a million acres of allotted land owned by Blackfeet trust landowners. The allottees own the Blackfeet Reservation by the allotment act of 1887 and our water rights are preserved in the 1896 Agreement, and our priority date for water rights is the 1855 Treaty. It is stupid to sign an agreement that will not allow us to market our most valuable asset-WATER! The "priority date" of water rights is the most desirable asset in water marketing because senior water rights take precedence over "junior water rights" of white men and state of Montana during drought which will surely come soon. Quality of water is another highly sought asset of water marketing for global bottled water sales, or beverage processing like Coca-Cola or Budweiser, or Pepsi-Cola which are global corporations entering China and India, a population of billions of thirsty consumers. "Goddam a potato" Chief Washakie told the senators who insisted the tribe become farmers-the Indians were cattle ranchers. How many of us trust landowners are farmers? What do we care about irrigation for white farmers or canals to transport our water to Havre or Valier. Blackfeet water rights sit at the top of the marketing chain for global water markets meaning there is no pollution in our water supplies because we are a headwaters tribe next to Glacier Park and Lewis & Clark National Forest. Blackfeet water is highly desirable for bottled-water, food and beverage processing plant facilities, or any business that needs clean water for production. If I want a potato I go to the store and pay with my water marketing cash money. Cash is king of the world and whoever has cash is king! I want to sell my water to the highest bidder. I found an article that showed the amount of money that states like Nevada, which is swimming in cash from Las Vegas casinos but needs water to expand the gaming industry. Chinese Government purchasers and Las Vegas casino owners were actually in the tribal office looking for water sales but the tribal council is awash in welfare cash so no deal was made to market Blackfeet water to these global water consumers. The water authority of Nevada purchased a 400 acre farm for $8.4 million just to get the water rights and a priority date of 1914 highly prized because it is a senior water right that will take precedence during drought which is in effect right now. My point is that I am still a treaty Indian with trust lands and I want to lease my water right for 1,000 acres to the highest bidder and I can get the millions of dollars. Think of how much our allotted lands are worth-nearly a million acres next to Glacier Park! This is a blessing from the Great Spirit because we kept our land and water clean and now it is the most valuable water in the world. The tribal council has screwed up because the money they get from the government is for construction of water infrastructure to LEASE TRIBAL FARM LANDS TO WHITE MEN NOT TO MARKET BOTTLED WATER! We need a water lawyer and water consultant to help us allotted landowners to get our water rights separated from tribal water rights so the council can raise their spuds and we can raise millions in cash for ourselves. I do not want a dumb ass like chairman Barnes in charge of my water rights, I prefer to stay under the BIA trust responsibility so we can at least sue them for mismanaging if they continue to screw up our valuable water rights. Water is for selling on the global water markets. Vote no on the water compact, it is a dumb deal that will keep us in poverty forever and extinguish our treaty rights. We will never get a penny of the $470 million promised in the water compact, it will go down the rabbit hole of 099 tribal council accounts and that is the end of water marketing for us all.  Please keep your water rights and lease your water for millions of dollars, VOTE NO! on the water compact it is an evil law that does not allow us to get rich on our own water rights. Bob Juneau Sr.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Imagine your white neighbor drilling water wells draining your underground water aquifer and you complain to the tribal water board, and they tell you it is legal! It is legal under state law called the "rule of capture" which the white man used to steal a billion dollars worth of Blackfeet oil while the tribal council helped the oil companies by accepting bribes to approve oil deals that made the Indians pay all costs of production, so in the end the Indians got nothing and the white man got everything. Senate investigators found the tribal council guilty of "sanction of corporate privileges by bribery" in council dealings with the Great Northern Railway and Conrad-Valier Investment Company both of whom own large amounts of oil rights and water rights on the reservation. All of the 325,250 acres of allotted lands stolen by forgeries of Blackfeet allotted land titles are "extinguished" in the water compact. Did you ever hear of the lesson if you are the only one in the meeting who does not know what the meeting is about-you are the victim! We, the Blackfeet landowners, are the only ones left out of the negotiations and do not know what the tribal council has signed in secret with the state and federal officials. No tribal council or BIA official is telling the Blackfeet allotted landowners anything except they need us to vote for the water compact settlement. Global drought is creating a money bonanza for water speculators who are the same as oil speculators who take advantage of land owners ignorance about the value of water rights and pay kickbacks to tribal officials for approving water leasing deals. State government officials have been found guilty of accepting millions of dollars for approving the sale of water rights. These state government officials are facing charges of extortion, bribery, money-laundering, and misconduct of a public official. Who do you suppose would prosecute the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council for corruption? That is a question nobody has answered except to pass the buck from federal to state to tribal government, which is supposed to police itself under the water compact settlement. Blackfeet allotted water rights are especially valuable because of the "priority date" of time immemorial, or the beginning of time preceding the United States priority date of 1776. The Blackfeet water rights would take priority during drought! But, white water rights owners can drain the Blackfeet landowners property under the "rule of capture" a state law that allows a neighbor to drain your underground water aquifer unless you drill your own water well to protect your water right. I fear that the allotted landowners are being set up for another robbery of allotted water rights because we do not have the money to drill our own property and protect our underground water aquifers from white neighbors. The tribe could drain our water and nothing could be done about it under the water compact settlement. We must remember chairman Barnes was selling hammers, screws and nuts at his hardware store prior to his promotion to chief of the tribe. An instance of what has happened in Nevada will be a warning to the Blackfeet people on trusting government officials when millions of dollars are used to bribe public officials. A Nevada landowner paid just $2,750 for a water permit that originally came from his farm as a water right and he was able to sell that water right to the Nevada Water Authority for $8.4 million. All of the white men's water rights will be worth millions of dollars upon the approval of the water compact but the allotted water rights of the Blackfeet trust landowners have been usurped by the tribal council leaving them worthless on global water markets. There is a clause in the water compact preventing the Blackfeet landowners from marketing their water rights outside of Montana and if and when the Blackfeet landowner did get China to purchase bottled water from the Blackfeet allotted landowners, the water compact gives white men in Valier, Cutbank, and Conrad first right of refusal to meet the bid of the Chinese government to purchase Blackfeet bottled water. But, there is no first right of refusal for the Blackfeet Tribe to meet the bids on white water rights marketing. It is a trap to take away the advantages of the treaty-Indian and reduce us to bums like we are today. The tribal council and white landowners will speculate on the future use of Blackfeet water and make no attempt to develop the water owned by individual Blackfeet landowners. There will be plenty of opportunity for $470,000,000 in tribal council graft by top level tribal water regulators while serving as elected tribal council members. How many of us have even filed for water rights on our own lands? How many of us can drill our own water wells to protect our underground aquifers from white men? We are the owners of the reservation by the allotment act of 1887, so how can we now be placed on the end of the line for our own water and how did the white men get on our reservation? He has no Blackfeet blood in his veins but he has many tribal council members in his pockets. Do not trust the tribal council, they have been a curse on the people. Please vote no on the water compact, it is a crooked deal practiced upon an ignorant people by a corrupt tribal council ready to steal our water and cash. Bob Juneau Sr.