Friday, September 9, 2016



Suffering among destitute tribal members is rising every year even as more money pours into tribal coffers and disappears into that black hole of 099 the infamous tribal council account. Where is the money from the casino, hotel, oil leases, grazing leases, and $192,000,000 in treaty obligation federal funds for tribal housing, college, health, alcohol & drug programs, headstart, job training funds, I.H.S. and BIA programs and services for less than 8,000 tribal members who actually live on the reservation, the other 8,000 are refugees living in little Browning in Pablo, Seattle, Missoula etc. Where does all this money go to and who is stealing from the poor fund? The Forensic Audit found pilfering in tribal funds but the council tossed it in the trash like they always do. Where is the U.S. Attorney when tribal and federal funds are robbed leaving us cold and hungry. The self-reliant Blackfeet cattle industry is gone to council third-party leases that sub-lease to white men for $5 per acre of the best grazing land in the west. The ghost of Joe Sherburne haunts the tribal office, an evil man who murdered hundreds of Blackfeet landowners during the allotment period 1912-1922 in complicity with BIA officials who tossed the Blackfeet chiefs in the agency jail to stop them from boarding the train to protest to Congress, so our tribal attorney Robert Hamilton lobbied Congress to stop the murders and land frauds. The Indian land titles were robbed in Glacier and Pondera county court for tax deeds and liens filed by Joe Sherburne and his crowd of murderers, the Commercial Clubs surrounding the reservation in Cut Bank, Conrad, and Valier of white supremacists-who started the racist “Montanans Opposing Discrimination” that came out of Glacier County in the 1980’s to end our treaty rights and steal our land and water. BLACKFEET TRIBAL BUSINESS COUNCIL VIOLATIONS OF THE INDIAN REORGANIZATION ACT: 1. To establish a Blackfeet Cattle Ranchers Association, and use tribal credit to purchase cattle, and establish a cattle ranchers cooperative to process “cuts of beef” to retail and wholesale markets to supply the government and tribal food programs. 2. Preserve profits for Blackfeet landowners and ranchers by “cutting out the [white rancher] middleman” and third-party tribal members who sub-lease tribal and allotted land to white ranchers and pocket the profits for themselves. 3. Organize business charters to develop individual businesses for tribal landowners. 4. Establish “citizenship of cattle” on the reservation-Blackfeet cattle only allowed to graze on reserved tribal lands. 5. Eliminate tribal council land board and replace it with cattle ranchers and trust landowners land board to make decisions on tribal and allotted land use. 6. Reserve all water sources and grazing tracts for Blackfeet cattle ranchers per the 1896 Agreement/Article Five-special treaty rights of Blackfeet cattle ranchers. 7. Establish Home Rule in all districts on the reservation. 8. Reserve all water compact money for tribal members per capita payments, cattle ranchers cattle purchase, retail business loans, arts & crafts association to market Blackfeet traditional products to Glacier Park tourists, small business loans, equipment and subsidy for tribal ranchers, arts & crafts entrepreneurs, construction of Blackfeet Culture Center, Youth Center, equipment for free-range egg production, layers, and broilers, pork processing plant, retail and wholesale sales to the Government food programs, schools, bottled water sales, and everything else!  This will end the white apartheid system and council corruption that keeps us poor, We need to have organizing meetings to get our projects funded with the compact money. Bob Juneau Sr.

Thursday, September 1, 2016



By Bob Juneau Sr. a trust landowner on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.

I have been protesting the forced patents land frauds since the Blackfeet Chiefs asked me to help the people with their land problems in 1980 when I was director of the Blackfeet Natural Resources Department. We brought the claims to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and got approval to hold hearings in Browning but the tribal council shut it down. In the water compact meetings with federal, state and tribal council we were told to shut up by the tribal attorney and I was tossed out by Chairman Old Person. The water compact is the last chance “forever” for trust landowners and cattle ranchers to get their issues heard but even that is gone because the tribal council approved it without participation or testimony by tribal landowners and cattle ranchers. It is just a big gob of money to bail out tribal council debts of millions of dollars. Chief and Chairman Old Person has never testified to Congress on behalf of tribal landowners or cattle ranchers. We placed our trust in electing him for 66 years and he stabbed us in the back, even joining whites in denying our water rights in the water compact which ends our land claims, forever. A land fraud is in process right now by tribal council leasing valuable grazing land to third-party tribal members who sub-lease to white ranchers leaving out tribal landowners. The Cobell Case is being used to concentrate land ownership under the tribal council so individual landowners have to compete with white men to lease their own property. I am working on financing for tribal landowners and cattle ranchers to get them back in business and provide cash for leasing trust lands at market value. There is no reason to cheat the tribe and trust landowners out of a proper lease payment except the greed of tribal grafters. It is an old corrupt system that destroyed the original self-reliant Blackfeet cattle industry successful by 1893 to replace the buffalo economy. The Blackfeet are excellent cattle ranchers and ranch children are endangered people due to tribal graft and BIA graft in denying the treaty rights and federal laws designed to bring the people to self-support by cattle ranching. White ranchers in Glacier County profit $61,000,000 in sales of crops and cows, and get $7,000,000 in federal subsidies, much of it on leased allotted and tribal lands. We are getting beat on every front on our own reservation. The Indian Reorganization Act provides for landowners cooperatives “ to cut out the middleman” meaning the white man and third-party tribal members exploiting us all. This is our last chance to get control of our own land and cattle economy. We must demand “Institutional Equity” that is a Congressional requirement that all parties to the settlement have an equal voice in the hearings and the division of money. I cannot do it alone because the tribal council throws me out every time I try to change things for our people. Earl is still around spreading lies and rumors saying nothing can be done, we must accept the water compact. It is a lie! But if we do not organize and protest, we are done. I tried to get a seminar at the college to bring people together but that was denied. Please help any way you can to get us a hearing before the tribal council to voice our issues. I will be there if someone can get a meeting with the tribal council. Let me know soon and I will bring the evidence! Bob juneau Sr.