Friday, October 31, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.30

"May, 1881, Seeding completed a month earlier than ever before and nearly double the land planted. Indians progressing in their farming. Indian women clearing out irrigating ditches, men repairing fences. Several deaths among children from measles. Several bands returned from hunting, northern Piegans passing through causing trouble by stealing horses and burning grass, measles among children, 1,433 near Agency. June, 1881, Weather dry; put irrigation in operation. Sawmill in working order; crew has gone to mountains to cut logs to float river. Will distribute annuity goods June, 2; all Indians have returned to reservation but one band. School closed because of measles. A.C. Botkin, U.S. Marshall, Helena visited Agency concerning agency employee, S.M. Corson who took young Indian wife, left reservation, sent back wife and baby because he wanted to marry white girl. Frank M. Eastman, Helena, U.S. Attorney reported concerning Piegan Indian woman "Leah" who was Indian wife of Corson-regrets she has no legal redress. Under Montana Territorial laws Corson cannot be compelled to marry Leah or provide support for herself and child."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.29

"Old settlers say the worst winter they ever knew. Outside work slowed to standstill; occupied with improving the inside of dwellings, making roofs more secure, and proof against the storms and the fine sifting snow drifts, and in painting the wood work, etc. Reports of a large camp off on buffalo hunt, that their success only moderate and some bands on way back to Agency, earlier than usual. 605 camped near Agency. March, 1881, Fast Buffalo Horse's band has returned from buffalo hunt-buffalo at first moderately plenty but then disappeared entirely, came back hungry, short growing season, rarely gives sufficient time for either roots or grain to ripen. Children progress in school-can give name of nearly every article in English. 828 camped near Agency. April, 1881, frost began to leave ground latter part of March and farming operations began. Indians work at hauling wood and building fences and farming. Bands coming back from hunt-not many will go on hunt next year, will stay near agency and work for support. 820 near Agency."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.29

"Root crops in, firewood being put up for winter. Sawmill nearly complete. Number of Indians building cabins near, furnish them "like white men"- clocks and chairs, etc., weather stormy and cold, no outdoor work, potatoes harvested, snow too deep for harvesting saw logs. Indians beginning to feel hunger, supplies finally delivered by T.C. Power, Fort Benton government contractor. 598 encamped near agency." December, 1880 Agent Young being in Helena to give evidence in murder trial. Furnishing of Agency progressing. Weather severe-thirty below zero. Progress in cabins, attendance in school hampered by weather. Good reports from bands hunting buffalo, will much reduce weekly issue, buffalo on reservation between Sweet Grass and Bear Paws. Indians cautioned not to follow buffalo off reservation, white men greatly excited and angry. 630 camped near agency. January, 1881 Agent Young reported operations at Agency slowed down by heavy snow and cold. School closed for the month, since teachers were at Helena to testify in case of abducted boys by Father Imoda. 614 camped near Agency. February, 1881, weather unusually severe-very seldom above zero, sometimes 40 below."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.28

"Whites complain Indians off reservation. Haying completed, grain yield good, Indians occupied in Medicine Lodge ceremonies, some Indians left for buffalo hunt, buffalo reported crossing to reservation side of Missouri, two parties attacked by Sioux and Cree, came back discouraged, 1,725 camped near Agency. November, 1880 Agent Young reported the great success of first attempt to use Indian freighters, having been gone 12 days (140 miles each way); "expedition great success." Another trip made by Indians on 12th-"The passage of the expedition through the Territory created a sensation, such an "outfit" never having been seen before." Squaw men on reservation borders passed rumor to Indians that trip was only ruse to get Indians to Fort Shaw where they would be imprisoned, another expedition left, 21 wagons, 19 driven by Indians-equally successful, demonstrated Indians were capable of freighting supplies and annuities from Fort Benton or R.R. Root vegetables harvested, saw mill almost ready to operate. Indian cabins nicely furnished. Hauled lumber for agency buildings."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.28

"August, 1880, Agent Report on influence of Baker massacre, report of Walmsley murder, false charges of Indians killing white ranchers; Texas cattle kings in Judith Basin, Medicine Lodge (commenting on resemblance of ceremony to Jewish rites), cabins on Birch Creek and Badger Creek, educational progress, horse stealing by young men, hopes of self-sustaining efforts to develop sufficiently and in time to prevent suffering before game is gone, police force organized Oct. 1, 1878, 15 men, increased July 1, 1879, to 30 men, one captain, one Lt., five sergeants, and 23 privates, under agency employee as Chief of Police. Success of force great, "resulting in an almost entire suppression of quarreling and petty crimes, formerly common among tribes." "No transportation of supplies has yet been done by Indians. October, 1880, Agent Report for September; band after band left for hunting ground on Missouri, Piegan boys still with Father Imoda, exerting every effort to get them back; Indians interested to see whether the Priest or I am the strongest. School popular, no summer vacation, the teachers gave them a ride some six miles down the valley, a holiday and straw ride to old Ft. Maginnis, there has never been such a thing heard of before, it was a great success."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.27

"July, 1880, Agent Report for June, farm work progressing. 506 head of stock cattle received. To fully inform them of the purpose for which they were intended, I called a Council and explained they were not to kill, increase in a few years might supply enough beef for tribe. Also spoke to Council on subject of the young men who had gone to what they call war, really stealing horses. The Chiefs spoke to the young men, censuring their conduct, blaming it on influence of northern Piegans who were visiting. Telegram from Commissioner about additional rations. Indians proud of progress in putting in their small crops sooner than agencies, cutting logs for sawmill in mountains, have cut 900 logs to be floated down when mountain snow melts-20 miles to agency, distribution of goods and supplies made on 2nd and 3rd of month; Capt. Stouch present, number of cabins being built by Indians double last years. Bear Chiefs band has begun to build on Two Medicine, the first on that stream, school resumed. Indians have been victims of deceit and injustice, false report about small pox. 2,698 camped near Agency."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.27

"These Indians, like the rest, are disturbed at being brought from where they could hunt, to where there is no game and not enough provisions furnished by the Gov't for their support. The Chiefs generally do not countenance the grumbling but are willing to be advised and do the best they can. Were it not so and if the young bucks could get the countenance and support of the head men there would be trouble. Some of these young men talk badly and make threats, such as how easy it would be to kill the few whites and burn the Agency buildings. Little Duck and some others went to Bear Paws to look for game, but instead went on horse stealing raid. Father Imoda enticed three boys to go with him. Wrote to Gen. Brooke at Fort Shaw to intercept them. My efforts for the training of the school boys would be futile if irresponsible persons were allowed to coax away or abduct the boys. Number nearby encamped is large, also school attendance."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.26-27

"Their loss in horses was great, no feed for them, they became weak and had to be left behind, no stoppages being permitted. Connect post trader with matter and will not trade at store near Agency, makes it difficult to keep them on reservation. Some of the younger ones ask how they are to live, as there is little game on the reservation and my yearly supplies would last only a short time if full rations were given to all. They say also that if the Great Father will not allow them to follow the game to where it is to be had; he should allow them sufficient food to remain on the reservation. Head Chiefs reasonable and understand his position. Only Bear Chief's band has yet to come into Agency. Rumors they have small pox. 2,270 encamped near Agency. June, 1880, Report for May; Very busy time, crops not all in. Agency farm increased from 35 acres to 80. Indian farms double the number last year. Middle Bull's band brought to reservation from Yellowstone country."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.26

"Blackfeet Agent Young reported that the Blackfeet people would require an increased food ration because of the extraordinarily rapid disappearance of the tribal buffalo herds. In 1862 the northern buffalo herds were estimated at over 4,000,000, but by 1881 they were nearly gone due to the whiskey trade and commercial demand for buffalo hides in eastern markets. The Indian Office operated on the belief that as soon as the buffalo disappeared, it would be easier to change the Indians economy. The Army tactic is to destroy the Indian's food supply to pacify the Indian tribes. However, there was no contingency plan for a reciprocal increase of food supply to match the growing dependence of the Blackfeet Indians on government rations.
Monthly Agency Reports of Agent Young
May, 1880, Agent Young, Report for April; frost left ground, ox team put to plowing, twice as much ground broken as last year. Indians working. "I had the gratification of seeing Big Brave between the handles of the plow doing fair work, when I first proposed this altered mode of life two years since, he then said he was a "warrior" his business was to hunt and fight." Indians camped near in large numbers, drain on supplies, much displeased at being brought back by soldiers from the hunt, in such inclement weather, on false charges of whites on Indian depredations."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.25-26

"President Grant's Peace Policy was ended in favor of the Government Boarding Schools and his Indian education program policy of civilizing and educating Indian children with a massive dose of Christianity was abandoned. The Government run Indian Schools policy was defined "to kill the Indian and save the child" by cutting Indian students braids, religious conversion, and to "beat" the Indian languages and customs out of the Indian students in government schools far from the reservations. These schools taught a basic vocational curriculum with an English education to allow the young Indians to understand the requirements of living in the American civilization as "white-Americans." It was successful in helping Indians to adapt to the American economy in agricultural pursuits, entering government service, and in educating tribal bureaucrats, but it also caused psychological problems. Brother Van, a Methodist minister sent to the Blackfeet Reservation to preach to the Indians instead turned his attention to the 600 Confederate "renegades" who passed through Fort Benton on their way to Blackfoot Territory, whom the Blackfeet Agent "feared they would prejudice the Blackfeet against the Government and swindle them." The Agent reported Montana Territory was rapidly filling up with the "worst kind of whites" due to the gold rush."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.25

"The priests planned to have the Indian students being trained at the missions to marry each other upon graduation, and to be given land near the mission, so that their civilized-Christianized lifestyles would serve as proper examples to their savage Indian neighbors. This system of vocational education was directed to teaching basic life skills, with the goal of producing self-supporting white-oriented Christian Indians. The Indian children were drilled with daily mass, religious instructions and devotions, and there were morning and night prayers in common, the daily Rosary, Benediction every Sunday, the "Angelus" prayer three times daily, and prayer before and after classes and meals. Father Grant wrote "It is difficult to instill in the students a true spirit of ferver, since they do not have very fervent parents." Special Agent Horatio L. Seward reported that of the surviving population of 1,811 Piegan Indians on the Blackfeet reservation out of over 7,800 Indians prior to contact; "Perhaps 5% of these Indians are Roman Catholic and the others are Sun worshippers."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Monday, October 27, 2014


The area of the northern Rockies containing Glacier Park, the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, and the border-whites apartheid territory-Glacier County-the lands robbed from the Indians during the allotment period have grown to 529,000 acres are a visible contrast of Indian land use and science of the modern era. Preservation policy of Glacier Park were enacted to fence out the Indians use of land for hunting and religious uses. The park superintendent tried to force state law on the reservation to keep the Indians from hunting "park" elk that wandered out of the borders but the Indians fought back and preserved their treaty rights to hunt game on the reservation for subsistence. By 1930 the elk herds had grown so large inside the park they became an environmental disaster by eating up the scenery and crapping excessively in the pure glacial waters causing intestinal worms to tourists who drank the water. The park superintendent had to send his rangers, "Smoky the Bear" hats in hand to the tribal council to request a winter hunt of elk to thin the herds of surplus elk. The hunt was held in the winter so tourists wouldn't see the failure of the preservation policy as the rangers drove the elk onto the reservation by the hundreds to feed a hungry group of Indians. Today the park is over run with bears but the rangers drive the bears onto the reservation forcing the tribe to manage their problem bears. The St. Mary ranger station has caused environmental damage to tribal lands by changing the course of Divide Creek to move the line, and was caught burying oil and old trash under park lands, and tourist poop was entering the rivers from Hill's hotels inside the park. Glacier Park policy also tried to usurp reservation lands and treaty rights by taking all of the lands west of the Blackfeet Highway built with tribal funds for the tourist hotels of Jim Hill at St. Mary Village, who also robbed the allotted lands of the teenage Monroe sisters whose allotment connected the highway to the east entrance to the park so they wouldn't have to pay for a right-of-way across reservation lands. Jim Hill was given Blackfeet land and materials to build roads and hotels to his property at East Glacier and St. Mary Village, and when the Indians were impoverished he "hired" the Indians to dance for the tourists and paid them by passing the hat among tourists and feeding them by scraping food from leftover tourists dinner plates. He renamed the Blackfeet Indians "Glacier Park Indians" and used their portraits for promotions and post cards, but never saw fit to pay for their images. The Great Northern Railway was also found to be a co-conspirator with border-whites to starve the Indians into selling their allotted lands causing the deaths of many Indians. The park lands illustrate the failure of the preservation policy as the animals must retreat to the high ridges as the lower lands are so congested with underbrush the animals cannot graze there, and climate change will melt the glaciers by 2030 creating more demand for Blackfeet water and land by the state and federal governments. The forest fires inside the park burned the forest land of the Blackfeet Reservation and will eventually burn all of the park from accumulated forest for 100 years, not to mention pine beetle infestation. The land use is contrasted more so by the plowed lands of border-whites in Glacier county located on the reservation and pollution of reservation streams by farmers pouring pesticides and fertilizers on crops which drain into the aquifers and rivers. The border-whites sued the tribe for pollution of water in Cut Bank the county seat located off-reservation but it was found they had polluted their own water from oil wells and farmers pesticides. The Blackfeet have a proverb that goes "do not crap in your own medicine bag" which the white man has yet to learn. The Blackfeet have preserved their "big-grass country" which produces beef cattle that are ready for market right off the range as grass fed beef, but those lands were robbed by whites and are the subject of the forced patents land claims unresolved after 100 years. The topsoil in Montana is one inch thick after 100 years of the plow, the rivers are polluted, and only the Indians have pure water and unpolluted lands due to native land use policy that preserved the rich buffalo grasses that fed millions of buffalo before the white man came to Blackfoot Country. Now the state and federal governments have the Indians in a crossfire in the state-tribal water compact created by a federal law that places Indian water rights in state court jurisdiction. The Indians will lose once again, and the white man will win, but the environment will be destroyed and all humans will suffer in the end times. Bob Juneau Sr.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


The super rich corporate cartel has purchased Congress, as statistics demonstrate the class-divide of the rich 1% and the 99% of the rest of America, it is only getting worse. It is a feudal system America is sinking into due to the political power purchased by corporate lobbyists and billionaires who desire to be trillionaires. The corporate despoilers of the earth bought their license from government regulators-Congress-who pull the teeth of environmental laws and create loophole crawlers. The Indians are the original victims of corporate-Congress conspiracy to defraud Indian property and rob Indian money, and resources with impunity. I have brought our land claims to Congress in 1980, 2001, 2005, and 2007, and there they sit on the shelf of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. The Secretary of the Interior and the Attorney General are defendants who lost a federal court class action suit in which the judge ordered the federal officials to either litigate Indian claims or send the claims to Congress for legislative resolution [restoring Indian titles] but President Reagan defied 250 years of settled Indian law in treaty guarantees to the Indian people in the 1790 Indian Trade and Non-Intercourse Act by President George Washington; creating tribal sovereignty and protection from states and speculators in exchange for Indian land cessions that became the United States. George Washington was afraid the principles contained in the Constitution would become a sordid real estate deal. The social contract white Americans hold with their government for fair dealing and equal opportunity has been usurped by corporate lobbyists. The Blackfeet people have been robbed of 529,000 acres of land and oil wells by the railroad and big-meat trusts who control political systems down to the county and city levels of governance. Nothing is too small to attract the corporate giants as the burritos sold by independent gas station operators was taken by Exxon etc. and turned into a convenience store. Government investigations document the robbery of Indian land and resources, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs "confessed" complicity in the Indian land frauds before a Senate Indian Committee hearing in 1979. It is no different outcome for American citizens who own a piece of property the Walton kids desire for a Walmart location, that corner property can be condemned by the city council. Yet, the rich man's political party-Republicans-see nothing wrong in cutting taxes for the rich and cutting welfare for the poor. I have been impoverished although I own land with a river running through it, clean water, the most valuable commodity on earth, but I cannot sell my water to a global market due to federal Indian policy. Isn't that restraint of trade? Soviet in nature? In America! Reagan was accused of economic apartheid in America by South Africa, so he punished the Indians by cutting Indian treaty funds by 40% to intimidate Indian protests of land frauds, causing many deaths on Indian reservations across America. I will die trying for justice in America. I talked with an Assistant United States Attorney for Montana and was told that, yes, they were aware of the Indian land frauds, but no! They have no plans to sue the crooks or send our claims to Congress in 2014 or ever for that matter, after all they would have to sue themselves on behalf of the Indian wards of the government; exposing to the world the disgrace of apartheid in America. Bob Juneau Sr.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Price of The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau
is $13.50 plus shipping & handling on and $9.99 on Kindle.  

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau Characters, terms, and events pg.7-8

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau  
roots of economic apartheid on the reservation  
Characters, terms, and events  
Confederate soldiers
"Confederate Gulch"
Helena, Montana
Blackfeet 1855 Treaty
Senator Teller
General Indian Allotment Act of 1887
1864 Organic Act of the Territory of Montana
1889 Enabling Act Ordinance No.1
1889 Montana Constitution
Article 1 1972 Montana Constitution    
1919 Montana Legislature
reservation/county governments  
"prisoner's dilemma" state laws
Montana Confederates
"Slow Death Measures" genocide
Glacier and Pondera Counties  

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau Characters, terms, events pg.6

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau  
The Indians Tell the Story  
Characters, terms, and events  
United States Senate Indian Affairs Committee
Montana Senators
Blackfeet Treaty of October 17, 1855
President Franklin Pierce

Monday, October 20, 2014


The future is now! All glaciers in Glacier Park will melt in just 15 years by 2030 and leave just the snow pack for water resources,which combined with global warming points to water shortages across the United States and within Montana. The Blackfeet Indians reserved by treaty with the Congress all grazing lands and pure waters of the Blackfeet Reservation, but the Montana border-whites have robbed our land and waters. The fee lands occupied by whites have been polluted with pesticides and fertilizers, and oil companies have polluted the water table from Seville to the Sweet Grass Hills with chemicals from drill pipes and holding tanks. The Blackfeet Chiefs in every treaty and agreement chose the staff of life of clean water, grazing lands and timber to support the Blackfeet cattle industry, which was recognized as a success in the 1896 Agreement reserving all reservation land and water for the Blackfeet cattle ranchers. The white men were banned from the Blackfeet Reservation. Usurpation is the "unlawful encroachment or assumption of the use of property, power, or authority which belongs to another. An interruption or the disturbing a man in his right and possession; unlawful seizure or assumption of sovereign power; assumption of government or supreme power by force or illegally, in derogation of the constitution and of the rights of the lawful ruler for which writ of prohibition may be granted involves attempted exercise of power not possessed by inferior officer, unjustly intruding upon or exercising any office or liberty belonging to another." The illegal occupation of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation upon stolen Blackfeet land allotments alienated in Glacier County Court by border-white judges, juries, and prosecutors have robbed large portions of the Blackfeet Reservation land base by usurpation of Blackfeet Treaty Rights. The Blackfeet Indians have been massacred, starved, robbed, and subjected to "Slow Death Measures" genocides by the white men living on stolen Blackfeet land allotments and reduced to poverty and prisoners of state jurisdiction without any consent of the Indians or the prior approval of Congress. That is how the white man got on the Blackfeet Reservation. Today, the white men in Glacier County are demanding the remaining waters of the Blackfeet Reservation by the state-tribal water compact which restricts inter-state trade of the Indians with regard to marketing their clean, pure water resources to off-reservation water markets. The Indian landowners have kept their waters clean and pure while the white man has polluted his waters. Is it justice to demand the Indians water and to order the Indians to go under state law to control the price and marketing of Indian water and the use of Indian water?  The white man's "reservation" is the State of Montana. Bob Juneau Sr. Blackfeet landowner

Friday, October 17, 2014


The German people were made to bury the bodies of Jewish death camp victims by President Roosevelt and the U.S. Army High Command to share in Hitler's guilt of the Jewish Holocaust. But, the Indian Holocaust in the United States is largely forgotten except the victims names remain on the list of eligible Indian Money Damage claims for massacre of Heavy Runner's band in 1869 and the deaths of millions of Indian people in the westward movement of the United States into Indian Country. My great-grandmother's Mattie Medicine Wolf Woman, and Mary Black Horn, were survivors of the massacre and also robbed of their land allotments by 1918, and remain on the list of eligible claimants in 2014; now approaching a century old. My father was a rifleman for General Patton's tank corp, who helped to liberate Jewish holocaust victims in World War Two, I served in the Vietnam War and my son served in the Desert Storm War on Iraq. What is our reward for being loyal Americans? Our family land claims have been held up for 100 years. President Reagan threw our land claims in the trash can in 1983, all the while calling Indians lazy and basically dumb; I guess for believing America's promises of justice for the Indian people. Now, today it is Indian water the corporations are robbing from the Indians with the help of the U.S. Government. Ms. Sally Jewel, the Secretary of the Interior, herself a billionaire, has no plan to help the Indians market their clean water supplies to world markets, as we must assume she would do if she owned the water supplies. The border-whites are corporations who entered the Blackfeet Reservation by robbing the Blackfeet Indians of their land allotments, which are the private property of the Indian people. The land frauds were carried out on illiterate Indian landowners as reported by Senate Indian Committee investigator Walter W. Liggett in 1928, whereby it was arranged to force an illiterate Indian who had some valuable property desired by a white man to accept a patent-in-fee on his land which was robbed in Glacier County Court by cattlemen, the railroad, corporations, and politicians. This report was issued in 1928 and since it covered the years 1900-1922 it is well over 100 years since the United States Government has kicked the Indian claims down the road. Now, it is the Indian's water resources the white men and U.S. Government are robbing through the state-tribal water compact forced on the Indian landowners, who now have to prove ownership of their own water in a state court. The German people suffered world condemnation for the Jewish Holocaust while America is set up as the world's judge and jury of human rights violations. Billions of dollars of Indian money and water will flow to the crooks once again, inside and outside of the government, while the Indian owners of those resources have trouble feeding, clothing and housing themselves today. That is an example of "slow death measures" genocide depriving us Indians of our property and money while we are helpless to protest in court-President Reagan threw our winning court decision in the trash can and there it sits today. There must be somebody out there who can help poor Indians get their stolen lands returned with just compensation-lack of money is slowly killing us. The American people should be made to look at the poverty and deaths of the Indian people done in their name in treaty. Bob Juneau Sr.

Monday, October 13, 2014


The Sacred Buffalo Vision book exposes the on-going thread of "Slow-Death Measures" Genocides of today that are focused on robbing the remaining Indian land and water resources by corporate America. The American colonists wealth was built on Indian land negotiated by treaties with Indian Tribes. The Indian Treaty plays an important role in the "image" of the United States as the last defender of freedom from dictators across the world. This is the American history taught in public schools. My grandmother's are on the list of eligible Indian claimants for Indian Money Damage Claims to restore the stolen lands on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation to the heirs of the original Blackfeet landowners. The Indian lands robbed by complicity of federal trustees with corporate business owners like the father & son robber barons James J. Hill and his son Louis Hill owners of the Great Northern Railway. The on-going Indian genocide is exposed in Congress' role in the water wars by corporate giants, federal trustees, and the water-users downstream from the Blackfeet Reservation at the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. The federal trustees, as usual, are on the side of corporate interests in forcing the Indians to choose state court litigation or negotiation in water compacts in which the federal trustee represents the Indian landowners and water rights owners. The corporate man like Texas billionaire T. Boone Pickens is allowed to purchase federal [Agriculture Department] water @ $50 per acre foot and re-sell it at $325,850 per acre foot to Dallas,Texas, transporting it by pipeline with federal approval. The quality of the Blackfeet Reservation water makes it the most valuable on earth with zero contaminants because there is no pollution between the source of the water in Glacier National Park. This water is also the last of the Glacial Waters of the ice age, which glaciers will be melted by 2030. Imagine the cost of such waters to have a sip of the last ice-age water on the planet! The white ranchers and farmers on the reservation and oil companies have polluted their waters and property and now demand the pure waters of the Blackfeet Indians. The Cut Bank River begins in the mountains in Glacier Park, and is pure until it reaches the farms and cattle ranches of white men, and then it becomes a polluted river with pesticides and fertilizers, and oil company chemicals that go back to the 1920's when Louis Hill was prospecting with his father James J. Hill on the Blackfeet Reservation for coal and oil deposits which they stole with the complicity of federal trustees. Indian reservations are operated for the profits of corporations while federal trustees have a negative incentive to enrich the Indians-no more lucrative Indian Bureau jobs or federal poverty contract funds. Meanwhile, the Indians are slowly dying from poverty related diseases like the juvenile diabetes epidemic on the reservation, where the Indian Health Service doctors say the children will require kidney transplants by age of 20; all preventable by a healthy diet. Last winter in sub-zero weather the Blackfeet poor were living in cars to keep from freezing unable to pay electric bills, while food trucks from Montana Food Bank brought food supplies and winter coats for children. Our water is worth billions of dollars per year, but the federal trustees will not allow the Indians to put their precious water on the world market. Our family ranch has pure Cut Bank river water running through it and pure well-water but no development fund..Hundreds of Blackfeet landowners have pure waters on their lands-and pure underground aquifers, but we need investors! We need a group of investors who will help us get rich too. Is there anybody out there who will help us develop our water resources? T. Boone Pickens and any other corporate interests are welcome to bid on our water!  Lack of money is killing us, we need cash quick-no state tax on Indian water sales-no state regulation on the reservation-this is a excellent business climate. Bob Juneau Sr.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau pg.24-25

"Blackfeet Agents enforced the Christianizing indoctrination by withholding food rations from traditional Indian parents who refused to send their children to the Holy Family Mission School, and the agent would not recognize the authority of traditional tribal chiefs who still had multiple wives, and who had not publicly converted to Christianity by regular church attendance. The Holy Family Mission on the Blackfeet Reservation built by 1890 baptized 665 Indians, conducted 65 marriages, and 127 confirmations, but the Blackfeet children were not content to sit in classrooms and recite prayers continuously day and night as the priests recorded on New Years Day 1892,"several of our pupils were taken from school by their parents. I complained to the agent. He, Protestant, though he be, showed more than mere words of sympathy. Not only did he send his police to apprehend the deserters, but he also held back the parent's requisitions for provisions from the Government. Thanks to such measures these escapades almost ceased entirely."
-The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Water is the last of the Blackfeet hopes for a good life in America

Mark Twain was invited to a dinner honoring Senator Clark of Montana in 1889 when Clark became the first United States Senator from the newly admitted State of Montana into the Union. He wrote, "This was the first time I had ever seen men get down in the gutter and frankly worship dollars and their possessors. I had never before heard men worship the dollar with their mouths, or seen them on their knees in the act. Clark of Montana is said to have bought legislatures and judges as other men buy food and raiment. By his example he has so excused and so sweetened corruption that in Montana, it no longer has an offensive smell." The State of Montana Legislature and the Congress of the United States had agreed as a condition of statehood, that state jurisdiction would not apply to Indian land or person; but Senator Clark sent up bills in Congress to rob the remaining Blackfeet treaty lands by starving the Indians into tribal land cessions until the Indians have little usable land left on the reservation due to encroachment by border-whites enabled by the likes of Senator Clark and the Governors of Montana, until all we, the Blackfeet Treaty Indians, have left is our clean waters, now under attack by another federal law passed by Congress is dragging free treaty Indians into Montana cattlemen's courts, judges, and juries to settle our water rights. The Government's plan for the Blackfeet Indians is the 1980 Bureau of Indian Affairs pipeline project to build water lines to "dry" Blackfeet land allotments checker-boarding void "wet" patent-in-fee lands of white men, who robbed water holes and water courses in the massive forced patents land frauds of hundreds of Blackfeet land allotments amounting to 529,000 acres. The Government plan would cost $50 million dollars to construct pipelines to Blackfeet cattle ranchers which would take 50 years to complete. Of course, we will all be dead by then. Is that the ultimate plan for the Indians?  Bob Juneau Sr.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


By the year 2030 all glaciers in Glacier National Park will be melted due to climate change. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation is located downstream from Glacier Park run-off from melting glaciers and snow pack, mountain streams cross reservation borders to bring clean, cold, drinking quality water to you! Aquifers underlay the reservation, an ocean of clean drinking quality water is available. Do you have an idea and business plan for bottled water marketing of Blackfeet Water Resources?
Please purchase Blackfeet water, help out an economically oppressed people, help Indians pay bills, living in cars last winter, need cash quick, bad winter coming, muskrats left town, no shoes, no coats, no communists, we capitalists, come quick, water go fast downstream, rich man get glacier water for mixed drinks, last glacier water in lower U.S. and Alaska glaciers melting fast, hot sun, come quick.
Bob Juneau Sr., Purveyor of Blackfeet Water Resources