Sunday, December 3, 2017



               American Republic founder Ben Franklin’s maxim, “Nothing but money is sweeter than honey” expressed his mental disease of greed by saying, “Rum may be the appointed means of Providence to extirpate the savages; it has already annihilated all of the coastal tribes.” My tribe, the Blackfeet Indians were among the last to experience attempts at “extermination” because we are the most northern tribe in the lower 48, and known for defending our territory against white encroachment. The first white men to reach Blackfoot Country in great numbers were confederate soldiers and confederate Texas cattle kings by 1863. These Montana confederates told United States Indian Agent George B. Wright, they “did not hold with the treaty” and “did not care for U.S. law and would do as they pleased in Montana.” In just 30 years from 1863 to 1890 the Blackfeet population was “exterminated” by confederates from a tribe of 7,800 in 1863 to just 1,811 Blackfeet Indians left alive by 1890. “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” maxim by white supremacists and taking Indian property was considered to be patriotic acts. Starvation was the operative policy of the American government. Thievery of Indian treaty money and food supplies promised in massive tribal land cessions to the United States fueled economic growth in frontier Montana Territory. Discovery of gold in tribal lands caused further land cessions by confederate gold miners trespassing  on tribal gold fields and attacks by Union Army soldiers resulted in massacre of Indian women and children. By 1890, corporations reached the Blackfeet Indian Reservation such as the Great Northern Railway owners James J. Hill and his son Louis, who were given 400 million acres of America and who would rob Blackfeet money and lands from the 1855 Treaty, to robbing the Blackfeet war veterans lands while they were in Europe fighting for America in World War One and World War Two. Blackfeet veterans returned home to find their parents being starved by the United States Indian Service and state of Montana citizens to force signatures on land titles. The state of Montana, Glacier Park, Lewis & Clark National Forest and millions of acres of private property now owned by white ranchers & farmers were created from Blackfoot Confederacy lands from 1855 to the last agreement in 1896. None of the treaties or agreements have been upheld, resulting in tribal poverty since 1863. “Slow-Death Measures” genocide, defined by the United Nations in 1948 as; “Subjecting a people to conditions of life which, owing to lack of proper housing, clothing, food, hygiene, and medical care are likely to result in debilitation and [early] death of individuals; deprivation of the means of livelihood, by confiscation, looting, curtailment of work, and denial of housing and of supplies otherwise available to the other inhabitants of the territory concerned.” In 1984, the president of white apartheid South Africa and president of Communist Russia accused President Reagan of economic-apartheid on Indian Reservations in America. They were comparing the political anomaly of “reservation/county”  state jurisdiction on Indian reservations [stolen Indian trust lands [non-taxable] owned by individual Indians and managed under a federal government trusteeship], to black townships in South Africa. These Indian land claims are known as “forced fee patents” claims whereby white men filed liens and tax deeds against illiterate Indian land owners in state courts while United States Indian Agents forged thousands of Indian signatures on applications for patent in fees. That is how the white man got on the Indian reservations, by forgery. The book, “TITANIC, End Of A Dream”, by Wyn Craig Wade, describes political powers of the super rich, “The pleasures of the Gilded Age existed for the very few. They rested top heavy on a social structure ready to crumble. Luxury and excess were justified on assumptions of limitlessness, both in fuel and in human suffering. This wasn’t fulfillment, but the illusion of fulfillment wrought by the oppression of the lower echelons of society whose labor materialized it. Nostalgic glorifications of the Age of Security and Splendor automatically condone its grave social injustices; and responsibility for these conditions has yet to be owned completely by Anglo-Americans in the late twentieth century. Although the organization of society is beginning to look more equitable, what we have truly managed to redress is only the tip of the iceberg. As long as this self-same Hubris is with us, the Titanic will continue to be not just a haunting memory of the recurrent past but a portent of things to come: A Western apocalypse, perhaps, wherein the world, as western man has known and shaped it, is undermined from within, not overcome from without; and ends not in holocaust but with a quiet slip into oblivion. What is really alarming, however, is how much these pitfalls still typify the Western-especially English-speaking-world of today in the Age of Anxiety.” Author Ruth Shinsel, wrote an article in Mankind Magazine, “The Knights of the Golden Circle had, at first, been organized to uphold the ideal of a great golden empire. An aristocracy, a circle of noblemen, would hold perpetual titles to large plantations and numerous slaves. An expanding sphere reaching from the Demerara and the Amazon, throughout the torrid and the more temperate zones of the Americas would be exploited. In the eyes of these feudal-minded knights, all laborers, black, brown, red, yellow and white, were considered mudsills of society. Improvident, poverty-stricken and vicious, laborers would be far less vicious if tenderly cared for by benevolent masters. Considering free society a failure, they considered all slavery, “a positive good.” Mr. Lincoln perceived what he considered to be a “dangerous degeneracy.” Lincoln said, “When we were the political slaves of King George and wanted to be free, we called the maxim that ‘All Men Are Created Equal’ a self-evident truth; but now that we have grown fat, and have lost all dread of being slaves ourselves,, we have become so greedy to be masters that we call the same maxim, a self-evident lie.”  President Lincoln feared the next threat to the union was the corporations bribing members of Congress to pass favorable legislation for corporate enrichment at the cost of all Americans and the rich stirring up race hate against black Americans to cover up corporate greed and their control of Congress, thereby splitting the people against itself, as a general poverty spreads across the nation.  Mr. Lincoln warned us about President Trump’s cabinet oligarchs and the tax bill before Congress that further enriches the rich one percent who practically owns America by owning our political body. President Trump openly violates federal laws that prohibit accepting gifts, bribes, or cash from foreign nations or individuals while in office. The Russian “mole” is in the White House, compromised by Putin; it means that a “communist” controls the American President. President Trump’s Executive Branch Oligarchy and Congressional Republicans are the “dangerous degeneracy” operating in plain sight to destroy the American Republic and turn the United States into a Republican Oligarchy. I once asked Blackfeet World War Two veterans why they fought for the United States after all the grievances inflicted upon the Indians; they said the army recruiters told them Hitler was going to enslave all white Americans in territories and he was going to murder all Indians and blacks, so they signed up! It is a similar situation today, do we choose corporate serfdom as our children’s future under corporate rule over American government, or do we join together as “Free Americans” to fight to save that which all of our forefathers fought for and died-personal freedom and prosperity in the United States of America! The “Sacred Buffalo Vision” available @ a political/economic history of the Blackfeet Tribe, that turned out to be a history of “extermination” of the Blackfeet by “Slow Death Measures” genocide that reduces the targeted group to poverty and kills “slowly” by the epidemic of diseases. The Republican tax bill and end of “Obama-care” is slow-deaths of millions of Americans by the Republican/Corporate Axis. 

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