Sunday, November 25, 2018



As tribal water planner in 1987 I brought Wall Street bankers to the Blackfeet Reservation and the bankers told the tribal council they would invest $50,000,000 in water development funds to bring revenues of $500,000,000 annually to the Blackfeet Tribe and Blackfeet landowners in “Money for Water” deals. There was no financial risk to the tribe because it was an investment, a “guaranteed market.” I also met with state of Montana water attorneys who offered to “settle” Blackfeet water quantification @ one million acre feet of water for the Blackfeet Indians that would have paid Blackfeet landowners a share of $11.5 billion in water leasing revenues in global water markets. The tribal council water compact signed away tribal water rights “forever” on a promise of $479,000,000 of which they got $800,000 and now will have to pay millions of tribal dollars to hire a lobbyist to chase the money. Western states congressmen sit on the committees controlling federal dollars wish to delay Blackfeet compact money until the state and white man drills water well aquifers draining our property. The council lost $11.5 billion dollars of our water lease money in projected revenues offered by the Wall Street firm in 1987. The $500 million dollar Wall Street offer gave us a “valuation theory” for Blackfeet water resources in global water markets probably exceeds a billion dollars per year in today’s water markets. Valuation is an estimation of the worth of our water rights. Wall Street investors agreed with $500 million but none of us know that exact dollar amount but we should find out how much our water is worth before we sign water leases. Tribal council voted blind on the water compact and we voted blindly on the word of blind leaders. The $479,000,000 water compact settlement would not amount to one year of Blackfeet landowner’s water leasing revenues of $500,000,000 on global water markets. What is scary about the water compact is that it turned white landowners loose on the reservation to drill our aquifers like the Starr School Bench which is an ocean of fresh water underlying Indian lands, but white landowners can drill directionally under Blackfeet landowners and drain our aquifers. There is already water well drilling at Kalispell where adjacent landowners to a water marketing business lost in state court to stop the drilling due to a law called “rule of capture.” This law was used to drain a billion dollars of Blackfeet oil reserves. The BIA held up oil drilling until the white’s drained Indian oil fields. Now we are in a position of weakness because we have no funding to drill our own water wells.

The United States Government Climate Change Study confirmed the destruction caused by pollution of the earth atmosphere will result in drought, fires, food shortages, wars, livestock and crop reduction, and most of all drinking water shortages. It means the Blackfeet are sitting on the most valuable mineral on the planet and the cost of water is rising with the droughts. Forest fires will cloud the skies causing crop destruction and breathing problems respiratory illness in lungs. The vision we are living in today is the prophecy of Chief Seattle who foretold of the day the white man would die in his own trash and pollute the planet earth. Blackfeet chiefs told the people to never sell the land or be overrun by border-whites “flooding our reservation.” Chief Rides-At-The-Door testified to Congress the Indians own this reservation by the allotment, and deserve justice and the right to use our property as we wish, and asked why the white man has all the “say” of what happens on our reservation and why do we not have the same rights as every American. We have to move fast to claim our water rights for business and economic purposes for which the reservation was enacted-to make the Blackfoot Indians self-sufficient in the new economy. Everything of value has been stolen from the Blackfeet landowners.

BLACKFEET WATER RIGHTS OWNERS NEED NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR PROTECTION The remaining question is-do we trust the Bureau of Indian Affairs to negotiate water leases of allotted lands? The other big issue is Bureau of Indian Affairs administration, operations, methods, and trusteeship of individual trust lands and water rights. At present, the Blackfeet Agency land lease program returns only one-half of one percent of revenues produced on allotted lands. Blackfeet/Cree lessees sub-lease to white ranchers and they share 99.5 % of our lease money. Blackfeet/Cree lessees are now claiming ownership of water rights on leased land owned by Blackfeet allottees and they want trust landowners to relinquish shares of ownership to the tribe. They want to claim your water rights and collect water lease payments amounting to millions of dollars per year. In the water compact meeting at the tribal office with state and federal government officials present the tribal lawyer yelled at us landowners, “YOU PEOPLE DON’T OWN ANY WATER RIGHTS!” President Teddy Roosevelt issued the Proclamation of 1903 that preserved Blackfeet water rights over Montana settlers and he vetoed Montana Senator Walsh’s “Surplus Land” bill to open up the reservation to white settlement. The tribal leadership at the time was led by Chief Wolf Plume, who sold his cattle to get money to travel to Washington D.C. to present the starvation of Blackfeet allottees to sell their land to whites. Tribal lawyer and interpreter Bob Hamilton spent months in Washington D.C. on a three and a half week train ride from Browning to get in line with other tribes to present his case before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. These men gave of their personal property and risked their lives to end the starvation of over 200 Blackfeet people of all ages and slow deaths by throwing reluctant Indians into the unheated agency jail in forty degree below zero weather to freeze to death and claim his estate by forgery in the BIA  and in Glacier County Court Records as legal transactions or better known as “Patent-In-Fee” lands owned by border-whites within the borders of the reservation. That is how the white man got on the reservation by deaths and forgeries of Blackfeet allottee trust land titles approved “forced fee patents.”


The role of the Non-Governmental Organization [N.G.O.] is to interface with official government bureaucracy on methods of business management of 3,600 individual allotments of Blackfeet land with original water rights. Water District Cooperatives authorized by the Indian Reorganization Act, protected under the tribal constitution, and elected by landowners will negotiate water leases under “Blackfeet Water Owners District Cooperatives” that will organize landowners in the Starr School Bench Aquifer, Two Medicine, Badger, Cut Bank Creek and other groundwater sources. We lack district organizers. Never believe the BIA or tribal council who will tell you no water is under your land it is the tribe’s water, it is our water guaranteed in treaty and laws. Chief Wolf Plume and Bob Hamilton saved our reservation because they gave their all for the people and for independence as Bob Hamilton told the chiefs from Washington D.C. after they won the judgment to keep the reservation closed to white settlement, You men who have stood by the right and are not under the control of the agent will be remembered as tribal heroes. Chief Wolf Plume died broke of money as did all of the patriots but in the end they saved our reservation from being overrun by border whites. We still have a chance of success if we can organize chapters and cooperatives together with people and to research the water issues and find out the worth of our water rights. We are blindfolded and our hands tied behind our backs and a tape over our mouths and to be thrown in the river like a bag of kittens. Community leaders are needed.  

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